Axe Goth Real?
I wanna do nerd shit with people in my time off. I've been playing a fucking ton of FFXIV despite having a shitload of other games because those are singleplayer. I wanna run games and play in them. Hell I actually miss threading.
Axe Goth Real?
I hadn't realized how much the last semester just fucking murdered me.
Axe Goth Real?
But I think maybe it's because I hadn't set things up properly?
Axe Goth Real?
I had it set up to where time with others was free time, which when that vanished, I didn't do it anymore, which tanked my mood, which fucked my productivity, which made it hard to do work in time to justify doing stuff with people, which...
Axe Goth Real?
Yeah, you get it. Nasty cycle. Not happening again.
Axe Goth Real?
I will make firm goals and meet them in this regard.
well, there was the App Idea, but you know I'm always happy to do things with you.
Axe Goth Real?
Run those details past me again?
sent you a pm
no moral
maybe organize a movie voice watch?
Axe Goth Real?
Could be fun.
Axe Goth Real?
Watching anime lately with Mischa's boyfriend.
i would love to do stuff with you sometime
Axe Goth Real?
I had fun on our day out tanking!
same! i'm off for the rest of the week so let's do some more
wait, not rest of the week
but tues/wed/thurs i'm off
Axe Goth Real?
Cool! I'm going to a concert tomorrow night, but otherwise I'm down to do stuff!
\o/ we'll get some tanking happening
we will ride eternal on the fury road
no moral
I'll be around on weekends at least