Lord Nick
Name a canon and I'll tell you who I'd play from it. Or if I'm blind, suggest somebody I guess because it'll be awhile before I can research this stuff.
Lord Nick
I will play Hyper Metal Sonic from that really bad OVA
Lord Nick
Or maybe Shadow I guess. I could probably pull him off.
Lord Nick
It hard parts that I like but overall... eeeh
Lord Nick
Then again it might not have helped that I saw the dubbed version and I wanted to stab my ears.
Lord Nick
I'm a little surprised to hear that that's the one thing universally accepted though.
Lord Nick
Suppose so.
Lord Nick
Anyway I was mostly joking but if I'm being honest I am kind of a sucker for evil doppelgangers seeking out their own identity.
Lord Nick
Googled that. Might be interesting
Hazard Kitten
Guilty Gear
Lord Nick
I don't really know that one. Make a suggestion or I'll go try to research
Hazard Kitten
I'd suggest glancing through the tropes page and see what hits