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Shada (the book). in which the book is better than the show because ahh ETA: also Survival with the 7th Doctor
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where the Doctor is going to hook Chris up to the mind sphere thing
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'I hope you know what you're doing,' said Chris as the Doctor held out his sonic screwdriver.
'So do I,' muttered the Doctor
'I have total faith in you,' said Chris.
'So do I,' muttered the Doctor
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The Doctor looked anxiously between Chris and the old man. Chris's head was slumped back into the alcove, and the pained expression on his face was not pleasant to behold. The Doctor quickly checked Chris's lifesigns and gave him a fond kiss on the brow.
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[then he turns his attention to the old man who is starting to wake up due to Chris' kind of sacrifice]
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Suddenly the old man's arm jerked. He pointed with one long nailed finger and moaned.
'Gently now, take it easy,' said the Doctor, kissing the old man's brow as well for good luck.
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anyway why is the Master so freaking sexy in this one damnit
teaโ€™s gone cold
shada is what made me want to check out the old show
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xD! Four why you kissing random people
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also I didn't quite expect the BDSM from the Master but you know I shouldn't be surprised
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were you expecting another reaction!?
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A red mist had come down in front of the Kraag's eyes- quite literally- and the Doctor, who had made a career of shouting 'wait!' at people who were trying to shoot him, but could sense the rare occasions when that just wasn't going to work, did the only sensible thing, and ducked.
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sensible it says
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Chris screamed and leapt from the alcove, straight into the Doctor's arms.
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but with this and Chris continual commentary on Skagra's 'full sensual lips'
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mind you just about anyone would scream and leap into Tom Baker's arms but
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well there's actually a lot of ship teasy stuf fin 4's thing
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because it showed how uninterested the Doctor was in that sort of thing, when everyone else was literally throwing themselves at him and he's going "Oh look! Shiny!"
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I love the Four
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yes he did
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if they tried to ship tease five he would just give them a LOOK or politely ignore them
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but this is after Romana so maybe
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teaโ€™s gone cold
the shada book was written by Gareth Roberts and we know what sort of stuff he's into
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/saame here
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GR was mostly famous for doing really good 4/Romana II/K-9 stories for the Past Doctor Adventures book line in the 90s, and started re-evaluation of Season 17 (which was HATED when the books came out, and is now pretty popular)
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he is!
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must hunt down books
teaโ€™s gone cold
he wrote the final book for the PDA line, which was pretty controversial for two reasons - 1) it had the Doctor kiss Romana, 2) it implied Season 18 and everything after that was part of an alternate universe (GR hated Season 18 and fell out of the fandom when it came out)
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Suddenly [Chris] felt himself lifted up by the scruff of the neck, like a kitten being gummed by its mother. ... A loop of multicolored scarf was flung over Chris's reddened, stinging eyes and burning mouth. And then, just when he was feeling better, Chris fainted
teaโ€™s gone cold
S18 was red outfit, maths, Logopolis etc
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Leisure Hive and the E-Space thing
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anyway GR also wrote for the new series. he did a lot of 'Dr trying to fit in with humans' episodes like The Caretaker and the stuff with James Cordon in it.
teaโ€™s gone cold
he and moffat also fell out, probably about politics (Roberts is pretty far to the right of Moffat, and in disappointing ways)
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anyway his 4 books are all absolutely excellent, and his 9/Rose/Jack book is in the same spirit and also extremely good. it's a shame he works better in print than on TV
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but the treatment of female characters leave much to be desired
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'Have we got a plan, then?' asked Chris.
The Doctor grinned a huge grin. 'I don't know, but it'll be fun finding out. Keep up, Bristol.'
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The Doctor's and Romana's eyes lock across the way hnnn
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ugh really with the treatement of Claire though
teaโ€™s gone cold
most of claire's (and Chris's) plotline was added for the book.
teaโ€™s gone cold
at least roberts has fun with Clare by having her realise she isn't acting normally and caught up in the Doctor's Companion Field
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also ๐Ÿ’€Go, Cubs Go๐Ÿ’€ the cells held time lords and not, you know, a dalek, a cyberman etc
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lol awww xD
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it does but Zygooon
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that was baaaaaaaaaaaad!
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I doooo!
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'Doc-tor,' gurgled Skagra, more than just a hint of a mad gleam in his eyes, the tic over his right temple kicking dangerously.

'Well if its' not him, it's someone very handsome wearing his scarf, ' said the Doctor.
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rofl so Skagra is Chronatus of course but he left this behind in his cell
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i LOVE Skagra so much in this book, and I very almost RPed him (i ended up going for Mehendri Solon from The Brain of Morbius instead, but ohhhh I still want to play Skagra at some point)
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no, but because of the troubles making this story there's been a lot of different takes on him
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๐Ÿ’€Go, Cubs Go๐Ÿ’€
I do like that the Doctor got to be friends with his hero :-D
teaโ€™s gone cold
book Skagra is my favourite, he gets a proper backstory. TV Skagra is book Skagra without any of the irony. Audio Skagra goes a VERY different direction
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It was the ancient V of Rassilon, the greatest and rudest insult of the Dark Times. The script beneath read in Old High Gallifreyan:

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(Audio Skagra is Andrew Sachs, e.g. Manuel from Fawlty Towers)
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* though remarkably flexible in its usage, this word is unfortunately untranslatable from Old High Gallifreyan into Earth English. Very roughly speaking it conveys disdain, contempt and extreme annoyance, all wrapped up i n a generally obscene etymological parcel that is far ruder than any reader of this book can possibly imagine.
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For this reason it has been deleted from the Matrix
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this is like people swooning over four: the book
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'No this cannot be,' whimpered Skagra. 'My life's work... the Universal Mind....'
The Doctor gently lifted Skagra to his feet.
'The dream is over Skagra,' he said almost sadly. 'Te Great Salyavin fooled all of us. He escaped from Shada centuries ago.'
Skagra almost fell into the Doctor's arms. Tears began to cascade from his eyes.
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'help me.' he wailed. 'Please- help me, Doctor...'
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can you blame them though?
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sorry, wrong name, deleted the comment
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teaโ€™s gone cold
one thing i really love about the book version of Shada is how NICE the Doctor is to *Skagra. i feel he's able to see that Skagra is just a spoiled, ridiculous little boy who thinks he's a supervillain
teaโ€™s gone cold
the Doctor seeing villains as ridiculous is something that's really nice about the Four era, but sometimes he can still be extremely ruthless and mean to them in a way that doesn't feel nice (like the way he dispatches Taren Capel). but with Skagra - and this is book-exclusive - he actually tries to support him emotionally.
teaโ€™s gone cold
yeah, since Skagra's actually quite dangerous insofar as Who villains go, it's extra striking to see it.
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considering that, say, Solon was just a really annoying human with no particular special power other than being really good at surgery, and the Doctor ends up gassing him to death...
teaโ€™s gone cold
it's a nice character detail for Skagra as well, because you get WHY he wants to erase people who don't think like him and WHY he wears a sparkly disco cape
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also so the Doctor had Chronotus figured out early, cuz ofc he did
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anyway Claire gets mad at Chris for blowing it and says she could kill him
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'No you couldn't, Clare, you love him' said the Doctor casually.
'Does she?' said Romana, sounding surprised. 'Why on earth would she want to do that?' ..............
'How did you know?' [Clare] asked the Doctor.
The Doctor coughed and lifted a finger. '... First, you may not realise it but whenever you mention his name
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your voice raises on tenth of an octave and your eyes go all gooey-'
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The Doctor reached into one of his pockets and pulled out a golden medal with a long, multicolored ribbon. Carefully, almost formally, he pinned it to the front of her dress.
The medal read in big red letters.
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Four is adorable and oblivious...so it hides his snarky, sneaky bastard self so well xD
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I saw the way you looked at him while he was punting
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yes, good
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since there's a bit of the Doctor was in there he was able to reverse engineer it and now everyone's mind-slaved by him and giving Skagra a big Doctor grin
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I feel that would be creepy
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The Doctor sagged, gasping for air. He'd given everything he had, and it had not been enough. After all these years, after so many battles facing down Daleks, Cybermen, even the Black Guardian, he was going to die on a Sunday afternoon. With a really stupid hat on.
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horrible way to go!!!
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is basically going to be punished for quite a very long time by hearing stories of the Doctor's adventures
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and I love how essentially the damn ship gets an orgasm pretty much whenever it jumps into the space/time vortex
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so Chronotus, after making everyone forget about Shada
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stole the Law of Gallifrey and since they'd notice it was gone
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replaced it with a copy of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
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from that day on every TARDiS came equipped with quite a large number of towels and no one knows why
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Chronotus was under the radar at Cambridge for so long
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because he just shuffled the minds of people so he could stay without fuss
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it iiiis
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I want time to read iiiiit
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it's so close but still so far ;-;
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now to finish the last episode of Old Who and I will have watched nearly all of it
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tho I should go back and watch more of 2s run since that was hard to to find and the others I missed as well
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two is a dork~
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Master I don't know how you screwed yourself over but I am also not surprised
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omg can I headcanon this blond girl as a young Jackie Tyler?
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that is an accomplishment xD!
/nod nod
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So many people willing to jump ship if the Doctor becomes a woman
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like automatically the writingis going to become bad?
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it's going to be awful hard to get worse at that point
there's a Shada book that's not Dirk Gently?
Okay good let them jump (LOL)
/cleans out the trash
I just hope they don't decide to like -_-' reboot which I don't picture Chibnall DOING because he was part of the heavy fandom keeping the show alive between 7 - 8 - 9 soooo
He knows the lore really well