Dr. BeardoPuff
[fambily; my sister] SO Heather posted this to ye olde Face Booke
Dr. BeardoPuff
And my qualm with this
Dr. BeardoPuff
that the very first claim is totally undercut by the fact that there's a photo of the homeless guy here, and the 175 likes attached to said post.
Dr. BeardoPuff
It's a different variety of the poverty porn that infected her 10-day mission trip to India to help the people there.
Dr. BeardoPuff
In that the observation of poverty and the "I helped this person who lives nowhere near me one single time and that's just so inspiring"
Dr. BeardoPuff
Sort of attitude that comes packaged along with this.
Dr. BeardoPuff
I would feel somewhat less offended by this if it didn't come with a photo of the homeless man.
Dr. BeardoPuff
Because now he's a literal prop.
Dr. BeardoPuff
Yes, it is nice that they bought him lunch. It's a good thing. But now this guy, probably without his knowledge because evidently he doesn't speak English is a public sermon illustration.
Dr. BeardoPuff
And catalyst for a good deal of "wow way to go!" sort of asspat comments.
But how will people know how humble and selfless she is if she doesn't make a big neon flashing sign saying so?
Dr. BeardoPuff
Um, it's a tasteful hand-painted artisanal sign, thank you.
Poinsettia 🌺
"Look at me help this man, who has no idea he was used as a way to prove someone is Super Great"
Dr. BeardoPuff
But look it says it's posted not for attention, so.
Dr. BeardoPuff
She graduated from her Very Rigorous MA in Youth Ministry program. So now she's got an MA.
Dr. BeardoPuff
I question a lot about this program.
big ol metaphor
the worst part is there probably is a way to do this in a like, publicly praising your husband for being good kind of way
big ol metaphor
that isn't quite as awful and is more like
big ol metaphor
wow he surprised me and i'm proud of him
Dr. BeardoPuff
Hahaha well it is Rodrigo. She feels compelled to "lift him up" because that's what her job as a wife is, supporting her husband.
Dr. BeardoPuff
Meanwhile, he's emotionally abusive towards her.
big ol metaphor
oh B(
Dr. BeardoPuff
h a h a h a
Dr. BeardoPuff
To analyze this a bit
Dr. BeardoPuff
Rodrigo helping this guy out does not threaten his position. It's the same as when he works as a minimum security prison guard, or when he has done other work (he used to do a lot of things with a soup kitchen, I know).
Dr. BeardoPuff
There's a clear power differential here.
Dr. BeardoPuff
However. The one time he was helping at the soup kitchen and he was doing his usual Jesus talk and one of the people was a Muslim and didn't just let it wash over her but occasionally said things in response
Dr. BeardoPuff
He took it poorly. He took the pains to point out how ill-informed this person was when he was recounting the story.
Dr. BeardoPuff
I have no idea how this conversation went. But I'm willing to bet it was less... Rodrigo Good, Muslim Ignorant than he presented it.
Dr. BeardoPuff
The same dynamic is at work in his marriage with my sister.
Dr. BeardoPuff
He doesn't know how to treat her as an equal.
Dr. BeardoPuff
Which ends up turning into him mocking her in front of her family (hahaha) and just... making major relationship and life decisions without consulting her, or completely against her wishes.
Dr. BeardoPuff
Like. They bought a house. The wallpaper in one room is all weird and Victorian. I like it. She likes it. She said so.
Dr. BeardoPuff
There's a built-in corner hutch in one room on the first floor. No idea how old it is. It's useful and interesting. She liked it. I liked it.
Dr. BeardoPuff
Rodrigo went in after the hutch and ripped it off the wall one night.
Dr. BeardoPuff
And the wallpaper is gone.
Dr. BeardoPuff
I'm still bitter about him telling her that the frying pans she asked for for Christmas from myself and her other sister were the wrong color and she'd have to take them back, because they didn't match.
Dr. BeardoPuff
60 seconds after she'd opened them.
Dr. BeardoPuff
In front of myself, my parents, and her twin sister.
Dr. BeardoPuff
So, this post above has two functions.
Dr. BeardoPuff
1. It's a LOOK AT ME.
Dr. BeardoPuff
2. It's a Look at how great my husband is!
big ol metaphor
ugh with all that in mind it makes me wonder if she didn't even want to write or maybe never actually wrote it herself
Dr. BeardoPuff
No, she wrote it
Dr. BeardoPuff
I recognize her writing style
Dr. BeardoPuff
wanting to write it, well
Dr. BeardoPuff
She considers it her Duty as a wife to support her husband
Dr. BeardoPuff
and that this is all some sort of test from God.
Dr. BeardoPuff
Which I think is a load of bull.
big ol metaphor
Yeah that's a lot of mental gymnastics