Least favorite character: ...none of them? I guess Hachisuka (I think that's his name, I had to go look) was grating at the beginning but he grew on me
But for myu lines....i think... Probably "get out of the way" followed by iwa singing the Kira Kira line and the gay ass reincarnation promise I have a twisted notion of favorite ok
Favorite male: THIS IS A REALLY TOUGH CALL... it's between Rean, Machias, and Elliot, but I think ultimately it's Machias. He's such a loser and I love it.
Favorite ship: ...oh hell how do I pick. Rean x Crow, Rean x Machias, Rean x Elliot, Reanx Jusis, Elliot x Gaius, Angie x Towa... I genuinely don't know which I ship the hardest
She just worries so much about people and I guess I can kind of relate? ...also she's a tsundere, aka my character type of choice, I was doomed from the start
Fav male: Honestly, Yuugi. Love that tiny nerdling. It helps that I related to him a lot as a kid, I think. Fav female: Mai. Anzu is a pretty solid choice, but... Mai.
Saddest moment: Honestly, Yuugi trying to put the puzzle back together in a burning building while his friends are struggling to save him? It's not even sad as much as tense but it gets me
Fav male: Tie between Shuu and Nageki Fav female: AZAMIIIII and Hiyoko Least fav character: honestly none I love everyone in this bar Fav ship: Ryouta x Hiyoko sob Fav friendship: SEE ABOVE
Fav quote: I must return to my people with the spoils of war, lay my bloodied sword at the feet of my great king, and celebrate my conquest of all the lands from here to distant Macedonia.
but let's be real this is just favorite ship part 2I have a twisted notion of favorite okor anything from the gakuen aualthough I also ship it I'm sorry I'm trasheven if he got betterFav female: Mai. Anzu is a pretty solid choice, but... Mai.
Fav female: AZAMIIIII and Hiyoko
Least fav character: honestly none I love everyone in this bar
Fav ship: Ryouta x Hiyoko sob
Fav friendship: SEE ABOVE
Fav female: Shiki
Fav friendship: Neku and Shiki although I SHIP IT TOO
I just kinda like suffering soooooo dropped breaking firstso do I it's okay I just also crysuccess!! Also please watch hanamaru when you have time so I can cry more about yasukiyo on you