Freakin Bat
Freakin Bat
Or Émilie.
Bat Matt
Bat Matt
(also, how do you get the fixed font like that? I keep meaning to ask someone and keep forgetting. ;_; )
Freakin Bat
<span style="font-family:courier new"></span>
Or use this.
Bat Matt
thaaaaaaaank you!
Bat Matt
/facepalm took me this long to parse that last one correctly. I r derp.
Freakin Bat
Since this is an adult remi in this, it could go in a smutty direction if you want.
Bat Matt
I try to avoid outright smut, but fluff would be fine.
Bat Matt
(bad memories associated.)
Freakin Bat
ah, ok
Bat Matt
(he is, of course, referring to Cirno.)