Hazard Kitten
y'know, it's kind of hilarious finding out WHY the 3e Iconic Fighter keeps fucking dying
Hazard Kitten
because the designers were pissed they were forced to use a white human guy by marketing executives instead of the dwarf they designed.
I've never seen Regdar not played as a douche. Out of the two times I've seen anyone use the iconic characters for anything.
Rogal Dorn
oh is regdar always a shit
Hazard Kitten
I just thought it was kind of dunking on how bad fighters are in 3.X
Wizards categorically refused to acknowledge that until like a year before the line ended though
Rogal Dorn
Let's not talk about caster supremacy in 3.xx if weaboo fightan magic is not used
Rogal Dorn
btw you can guess which book i love
Rogal Dorn
I may have literally made Sanger from Super Robot Wars with that book
Weeaboo Fightan Magic: Book of Nine Wank Threads On Every Forum?
(I fuckin' love Weeaboo Fightan Magic)
Rogal Dorn
That's why we bros
NekoInc, MSPM
Tome of Battle was so good.
NekoInc, MSPM
And, yeah, the art team was Not Happy with Marketing.
La Comtesse
I always wanted to put together a character from To9S, but the local GMs refused to use it. I once taunted one with "are you afraid I'd be as good as a wizard in doing damage?"
Princess Emily
but wizards need to not only be better than everybody else in everything but
Princess Emily
...shit idk where i was going with this
Princess Emily
they just need to be better than everybody else in everything
And also be able to do shit no one else can do?
Princess Emily
there we go
Princess Emily
thank u
Princess Emily
for filling in what was really obvious but somehow escaped me mid-sentence
Yup. Gotta show those filthy jocks who's boss.
That's why I'm a filthy Wow game for stupid babbies 4e fan
NekoInc, MSPM
NekoInc, MSPM
And 4e's "Essentials" line went right back to it, even if the numbers are a lot less abd
Hazard Kitten
I like lot of 5e's iconics
Hazard Kitten
but the system is a hot mess
NekoInc, MSPM : Yeah, I basically ignore Essentials in any game I run.
Rogal Dorn
As a pathfinder player
Rogal Dorn
It wasn't the balance changes
Rogal Dorn
it just didn't feel like D&D anymore
Rogal Dorn
3.5 with weaboo fightan magic actually got the balance fairly good
Rogal Dorn
everyone could do crazy shit
Rogal Dorn
It was like a game of exalted
3.5 still needed about 50% fewer supplements and 6th+ level spells to be anything close to "balanced"
Rogal Dorn
yeah the high level spells got bonkers
And even then, in retrospect, it's pretty kludgy
Rogal Dorn
It was actually fun, though.
But that kludginess is just part of the D&D feel now
Rogal Dorn
I'm going to politely say no, there's a feel that just kinda got lost in 4th. 5th feels a little weird too,
Rogal Dorn
where 4th went was kind of like warhammer fantasy battle only you only get one model.
Rogal Dorn
5th I can at least see where they were trying to go an how it followed on from 3rd. It feels D&D ish.
NekoInc, MSPM
5th gets odd because in some ways it's a modern-rolled version of 2nd with a few bits of Fate mixed in, then theoretically stuff from 3e or 4e can be bolted on to 'customize' the system
NekoInc, MSPM
There's a couple pieces of it that I absolutely love - Advantage/Disadvantage being so close to one except for the illogical way to handle stacking.
NekoInc, MSPM
But then so many new issues...