You're Quinner
[P5] Fromr 6/24
You're Quinner
I'm about to take on the Dungeon 3 boss and then I'll have like 17 days of free time so let's take some NOTES
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oops, 14 days
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You're Quinner
>Advance Maid Link as much as possible
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>Finish watching my Guy McVer DVDs
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>Initiate the Fortune Teller sidequest (an s-link, probably)
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>Mementos (solve at least 2 cases, raise at least 100k yen)
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>Make four lockpicks
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>Advance stats as much as possible
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With that in mind
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>Mondays: Herbal bath
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>Tuesdays: No known specials
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>Wednesdays: No known specials
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>Thursdays: Herbal bath
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>Fridays: Maid event
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>Saturdays: Maid event
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>Sundays: Home shopping, I think Politics Dad?
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>Rainy days: Boost to Knowledge at diner but also Maid and that takes priority
Don't 4get DL-6
Rainy Days also gives you a special bath event ftr
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oh do they
Don't 4get DL-6
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also there's a special food item availabl eon rainy days in I think the underground tunnel?
Don't 4get DL-6
50/50 shot of either getting a much bigger boost to charm or getting a guts boost AND a charm boost
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good to know
Don't 4get DL-6
i've pretty much confirmed at this point that every link is attainable so i'm gonna see if i can max them all
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--oh shit, I need to change up my party for this boss
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none of us have Media
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bye Yusuke, hi Morgana
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The team: Akira, Morgana, Ann, Makoto
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hi Kaneshiro
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oh I saw this guy in the trailer
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"Bein' young is such a crime!" wow
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so far quite unimpressive
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there's the other shoe
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stillll weirdly unimpressive
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phase 3!
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so far it's been quite easy
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oh good
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it farted
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and then we blew it up
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that was
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VERY easy
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now for two unrestricted weeks of student lyfe
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oh, Gluttony, not Greed
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Yusuke social link go
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oh damn that's a sick painting
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Maid time go
Yusuke's comments when you're driving around Mementos are...incredible
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Kawakami is lying to me like crazy
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Houseukeeping unlocked
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Hot shogi player in Kanda, got it
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Sun rank 4 get
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OK uhhhh
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tomorrow I'll return my DVD
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find a shogi player
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and take a bath
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when is Kawakami gonna make good on her promise to let me slack off in class
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oh wait it's raining
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DVD, Hifumi, Maid
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then tomorrow I'll go to Mementos
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the Late DVD Saga is finally over...
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OH let's strengthen a Persona while I'm out
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damn, Hifumi isn't here
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OK what else can I do with my afternoon
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oh, it's raining, so I'll hit up the diner
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oh nope, no maid today
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OKAY let's hit up the journalist then I guess
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Devil link acquired
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wow that's a useless power
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money coming into Mementos: 25k
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I juts got three Beg For Life events in one battle
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while I'm grinding
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is there a trick to meeting Hifumi? All I know is she's at the church, but I went and she wasn't there
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got it
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tomorrow's wednesday, that'll be a good time for that
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there's something fantastic about hearing Ryuji say "UM, KATANA PLEASE?"
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Money leaving Mementos: 138k
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Proficiency 3 GETTO
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goes on a date with ryuji
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made some good progress, started the fortune teller quest, stopped on 7/7
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I can no longer stream for fear of provoking the wrath of the ATLUS Police