tea’s gone cold
[cernovich hate] Cernovich claims he'll spill all the Trump drama if Trump removes Bannon from the security council
Nancy Crawfish
god it would be absolutely, beautifully hysterical if it ends up being the alt-right that brings Stupid Watergate down
tea’s gone cold
there is nothing to appreciate about the modern political situation, but I am finding it funny that an internet prat I've hated as soon as I found out about him five years ago is now weirdly connected to the government neonazis
tea’s gone cold
i cannot imagine trump being brought down by drama, but whatever gets blown will be fun to read
LOL "If you fire my boyfriend I will make up ridiculous conspiracy theories about you and get my alt-right trolls to retweet."
Still, it would be worth it to see Internet Nazi's implode bc their great leader don't give a shit about that.
butthurt nazi's Oh what a wonderful day.
Cat Herder
yeah, this won't bring Cheeto Benito down, but it'll at least make for entertaining reading on the toilet
tea’s gone cold
lmao cheeto benito
coochie scarf
our lord, cheesus