My usual #1 question for a PB is whether or not I would have to make my own icons because I don't want to. But if someone is Too Perfect I'll suck it up.
troian was a replacement for a previous pb basically bc she has more and higher quality images and I liked her vibe / look / what would still feel the same
I have another OC I might app someday whose PB is Sean Teale from Reign for similar reasons. Good expressions + period clothes. But I'll have to make icons I think boooooo.
matriarchal: oh man yeah, having access to good images is super worth it. I love Mia Kirshner (who will always be "Naked Mandy" from 24 to me) but it's really hard when the PB is no longer the same age as your character
yeah honestly bless its organization system, i've found so many faces i never would've thought of. and thank you! they are ganked off a combo of HA and tumblr. they used to be shittier until i realized melissa ponzio was in teen wolf and therefore has billions
My usual #1 question for a PB is whether or not I would have to make my own icons because I don't want to
stealing this from mj because yeah