go rimbaud
go rimbaud
aka i got cleared to cassandra complex this shit
go rimbaud
though yearn 4 da urn i saw you might be planning to have shepard try to free other dreamers, maybe they should team up
yearn 4 da urn
UH YES PLEASE especially since holy fuck, i have not threaded off kanaya since i was playing bradbury
yearn 4 da urn
lemme take a look at thiiis
yearn 4 da urn
okay KNUCKLECRACKS so you've seen some of the potential consequences for freeing dreamers, i haven't yet figured out a scenario for making that happen yet so i'm WIDE OPEN there
yearn 4 da urn
i do think it'd be funny if kanaya initially ran into shepard and he was one of those 'haha no' dismissive people only to run into her again and be like SHIT, U WERE RIGHT
go rimbaud
i imagine if they're getting anywhere near twenty, most of those are probably npcs
go rimbaud
and man that sounds like it'd be hilarious
go rimbaud
she's going to be so mad through this whole plot
yearn 4 da urn
okay what if
yearn 4 da urn
their initial meeting gets so yelly they draw attention from npc russian soldiers ...
yearn 4 da urn
get shot and die???
go rimbaud
i'm into that
yearn 4 da urn
shepard won't remember it initially but ofc kanaya will so LMAO CONTRIBUTE TO HER FURY
yearn 4 da urn
but yeah i'd love for them to figure out some way to figure out how to free npcs. the ooc post mentioned edge of tomorrow tho so i'm laughing SUPER HARD bc if you've seen that movie
yearn 4 da urn
there's one point where tom cruise is just like OH MY GOD, KILL ME SO I CAN RESET MYSELF
go rimbaud
they're going to be tom cruise dying over and over
yearn 4 da urn
[yakkety sax plays while shepard and kanaya run around convincing people to shoot them]
go rimbaud
this is way too in line with kanaya's fucked up morals
yearn 4 da urn
i can probably think of a less absurd scenario when i've actually had sleep but otherwise that's the best i can come up with
go rimbaud
yearn 4 da urn
this is a great first impression
yearn 4 da urn
go rimbaud
now the only question is going to be
go rimbaud
how do they know the npc soldats who shoot them got out
go rimbaud
it's the old jamjar problem
yearn 4 da urn
hah! well, kanaya is probably in a better position to do this than shep is
yearn 4 da urn
since for the first week or so she can remember stuff between waking and dreaming, y?
yearn 4 da urn
i figure like ... even if shepard KNOWS stuff while he's awake, he'll struggle to remember it in-dream, but if they manage to talk IRL (as it were) maybe they can work the problem from that side too
yearn 4 da urn
go rimbaud
oh you know she's going to be journaling everything when she wakes up
go rimbaud
it's been like six, seven years since she's had to coordinate anything in her dreams, but it won't be the first time
yearn 4 da urn
good thing she's got the experience heck yeah
go rimbaud
she should probably make a post after the first few days, once she's figured out it's going to be recurring
yearn 4 da urn
'try to remember to ask people to kill you haha lol'
go rimbaud
the biggest obstacle right now is thinking up the logistics of how they figure that out
go rimbaud
i don't expect she'll know by the time she does make a post
yearn 4 da urn
haha right ... there's so many moving parts to this, it's hard to guess what people will be posting about/discovering
go rimbaud
so the best plan is to play it by ear and have fun
yearn 4 da urn
in general i think making a big ruckus > enough to prompt some of those in-dream consequences > having something more concrete to report back to other people trying to find stuff would be a good general track to go
go rimbaud
yeah getting them shot is a fun start
go rimbaud
imma tag shep while i think about my own starter
yearn 4 da urn
sounds good! i guess another straight up way to just trigger the FUN SHIT happening is to bump into sylar (separately or together) and compare notes
yearn 4 da urn
but i think i'm gonna sink into doodle hell for the rest of the night
go rimbaud
that sounds like a good place
go rimbaud
imma get some rp done so i can get back into bird hell
yearn 4 da urn
let's do it
yearn 4 da urn
THIS IS SUPER UNRELATED HAHA i just found this going through old art
poor kanaya
go rimbaud
yearn 4 da urn : this is great especially because shinji ikari is still her best friend in mom
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pollуαηηα : she's had too good a year, she was overdue for some suffering
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at least a million dream deaths is the exact kind of suffering she'll brush off entirely after
john will give her some change
or a couch to sleep on
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like "whew at least i didn't die in any way that really mattered"
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he's gonna take pity on the crazy women talking utter nonsense
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she won't even take the couch because why would she sleep in a dream, that's absurd
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she will accept a shower though
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no one ever realized a bag lady could be so vain
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steals a nail file and never puts it down, her hands look awful
what about baby?
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baby is either going to be Real Upset that mom is sleeping so much, or is in one of the bags
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i have not yet decided, but leaning to the first
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just so i can tag people with a loud chirping grub with no available translator
kanaya just carries a cabbage around in the dream
"look at my beautiful daughter. she has my eyes"
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the cabbage has ashiah's face carved into it, kanaya's just like "the fuck"
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if this is meant to be an au where the russian invasion succeeded, maybe she was institutionalized because ashiah died in the aftermath
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she hatched like just a month before that
go rimbaud
though whatever au history she has isn't going to be touched on much because she's conscious
I KNOW I'M LATE but hahaha plugsuit kanaya
hiss hiss hiss
I want something but I don't know what yet
also I'm pretty sure I'm doing resistance shinji so maybe we can do a thing?
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we can definitely do a thing
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possibly where shinji is like Concerned because he knows it's been a bad year and she's just been pretty crazy lately and he maybe hasn't seen much of her since it all started
go rimbaud
hiss hiss hiss : i'm gonna get a starter up for her a little later, so i'm sure we can figure something out for them once i get some good prompts
hiss hiss hiss
awesome! I'll just tag in there and not worry about cooking up details for now
Actually given what I may be going with for shinji it might be that she has to be the concerned one
spending over a year as part of a guerrilla military group and actually using his combat skills on people instead of monsters has probably not done great things to his mental state
/goes to write a thing for this
go rimbaud
given that she is actually regular her in not regular her's life, most definitely
go rimbaud
okay i've written an opener, now i just need to think of the prompts to accompany it
go rimbaud
harassing soldats is definitely going to be one of them, because kanaya has never been a woman with a good sense of self-preservation
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then like, hmmm, arguing with a food truck vendor
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disrupting traffic by banging a pan in the street
go rimbaud
i need ideas for really dumb things she can do