Peil Wiggler
Peil Wiggler
Please let tomorrow just be a chill day at work
Peil Wiggler
If it's not a chill day I'll suffer through it but just
Peil Wiggler
Peil Wiggler
please just let it be slow, let Alan be out for most of the day and the mail be light and Myer just leave me the heck alone for one day
🐅 its harry
mmm good luck :< <3
Peil Wiggler
I'm so wound up and stressed about money and about my baby boy possibly having cancer
Peil Wiggler
it's like really eating at me and fucking w/ my already shitty memory
Peil Wiggler
and getting wailed on w/ like 12 different misc. tasks at once while I'm at work is just
Peil Wiggler
a recipe for disaster
Peil Wiggler
I'm edging into that arena of being paranoid that I'm going to fuck up somehow and get fired
Peil Wiggler