gotta do something with Lirael
I'm thinking open log, just throw her at things and be ???
also, should probably ask the mods about Death and if it's possible to have the nine stages in the game, but only for natives i guess
since everyone else comes back
ALSO, crowley's app is in! will get into more detail when she gets in
she's totally getting in what you're talking about aahahaha
she needs to ask for help with her elemental shenanigans
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I need to catch up with whatever's going on in game
also i have the feeling the AC is on rn and I need to check
I haven't seen a plurk about it but I feel kinda nervous I miss it
AC went up on the 1st yeah
how long it stays up? a week?
I think?
I'll fill the thing today, but still
better set some notifs for this kind of stuff
besides that I guess I'll just keep on throwing archer at whatever I find
do all the things, all the time
camp everywhere
i am definitely making an america log
i've neglected her so much it's sad
additionally i have a couple of days to decide if i want to bring in mia here
𝖿𝖺 𝗅𝖺 𝗅𝖺 𝗅𝖺 𝗅𝗈𝗋
oh cool i didn't know you were apping this month
The irony in this is almost palpable
Because seriously I didn't plan to lose Sophie ugh
I even waited until I felt like I was in a good place to bring in a thirds...
𝖿𝖺 𝗅𝖺 𝗅𝖺 𝗅𝖺 𝗅𝗈𝗋
hahaha you need a spreadsheet or something
You might be onto something
at least she'll come back with only one book to go and if i remember correctly she'll be in a much better mind set
emotionally dead, but better