Guardian Bear J
FF14 Free Trial now unlimited in time. Play as long as you want, up to level 35!
Guardian Bear J
This is... really kinda impressive. Being able to play all the base classes, and jobs, up to 35? For as long as you want? That's obscenely nice for a trial account.
Guardian Bear J
I know people who would be able to play for six months or more with that.
Saturn Is A Tea
That's going to make it MUCH easier to sell people on the game, and I think 35 is a good cutoff too.
Saturn Is A Tea
It's just far enough into most classes to start thinking "Oh, oh this is shiny"
Saturn Is A Tea
Just enough to really get someone curious before asking for the money.
Guardian Bear J
(Also, I think I just accidentally deleted an emote when I selected that one.... Frammit, now I need to find which one I lost. I HATE my work computer.)
Guardian Bear J
Guardian Bear J
Not all classes will benefit, mind you. Some are late bloomers. But most? MOST will.
Guardian Bear J
/just LOOKS at Bard.
Saturn Is A Tea
Plus I think that takes you up into the Titan fight.
Guardian Bear J
It definitely gets you to Brayflox's.
Guardian Bear J
I think there are a couple of other restrictions to keep it from being TOO generous, but still. Level 35 is amazing, especially with no time limit on play.
Guardian Bear J
Oh! Looks like the Garo Gear is now available from the Gold Saucer. Trying to find a price list now.
Yep I have a friend who's going to try out the game just because of this.
Guardian Bear J
Looks like the Garo stuff ranges from 20k to 100k MGP, about standard for the Gold Saucer clothes.
Guardian Bear J
I remember being so psyched about being able to get my Gold Saucer longcoat. XD I imagine Ken will love being able to get the Gold Saucer Garo stuff. I wonder if it's level 50, or level 1...
Guardian Bear J
I mean, it obviously won't have combat stats, but level 1 gear would be great for tooling around in cities.
Guardian Bear J
Guardian Bear J
There's a Gold Saucer version of the shield.
Guardian Bear J
The INVISIBLE shield.
Guardian Bear J
No more wielding a god-awful ugly piece of wood or metal!
dubious soul
how much is the game client?
Guardian Bear J
For a trial, I'm pretty sure it's a free download. The base game itself, i you decide you want to pay for it, is 39.99 I believe. Possibly 29.99. >_>
I have a feeling this is going to make people drag me back in...
Guardian Bear J
Guardian Bear J
That moment when I realized I just caused Ken to get a Gambling Habit for the purposes of pretty princess dressup.
Guardian Bear J
ALTERNATE CAPTION: The ultimate endgame, even at the beginning.
Guardian Bear J
... Transmog, I mean. Durrrrrr...
dubious soul
ffff it won't let me do the free trial with my existing squenix account
dubious soul
because i played the beta of the version before a realm reborn, i assume
Guardian Bear J
:c It won't, but you can make a new one?
dubious soul
thats what i ended up doing lol
dubious soul
it's actually a backup email account that i made after my WoW account got hacked years ago
Guardian Bear J
Guardian Bear J
How far did you get before ARR?
Guardian Bear J
You get some special stuff on your account if you actually played to a certain point in ARR.
Guardian Bear J
Errr, in the game before ARR.
dubious soul
it was prerelease i think. i was never a paying customer really
Guardian Bear J
Ah... ;_; Yeah, I don't think that gets you bonuses.
dubious soul
oh well /LE SHRUG