i dreamed an evil bad guy pushed me into a well that took me to another world...it was a really cool world! with giant gnarled trees and labyrinthine parking structures and cute beandog puppies!
but apparently once i'd come here i could no longer leave...never to see my own puppies again
i met a woman and her toddler in this world and the toddler was very sad on my behalf! we were the bestest friends! i think the villain could actually travel freely between worlds, that's not fair
anyway the trees were huuuuge i climbed down one and there was a group of girls hanging out and one of them was like "let's not talk about any of those problems and just have a fun girls' night out"
then she peeled off her face and wig and she was actually a guy...or maybe trans? i have no idea
nobody was bothered, anyway
ugh i'm forgetting all the details already...i remember being followed in the parking structure and running through dark passages trying to figure out where to go
i might've joined a gang? the beandogs were in a large crane game with the toddler and there was also a little cafe area where my mom and someone chatted the entire dream
they never left their spindly metal table