The Fool
I've developed this weird obsession with tiny houses.
The Fool
Like, I've consistently had this dream of living in this hyper-efficiency type of apartment, since I was a tiny child.
The Fool
When The Fifth Element came out, I remember being like OH THAT'S LIKE THE APARTMENT FROM MY DREAM about Korbin's place
The Fool
but recently I started peering at "tiny houses" that are like... that, but way less tech-y.
The Fool
They're often sort of rusticly styled, like cabins or caravans or something
The Fool
The Fool
And I have no idea why I am so obsessed with this stuff, but I keep peering at pictures being like I WANNA LIVE IN A PLACE LIKE THIS
The Fool
I think it's partially because I have hoarding tendencies and think it would force me to have fewer things. (LOL)
The Fool
But also I just really like spaces that do double duty and neat little ways to put things away
like stairs that have shelves built into the area under the staircase?
The Fool
The Fool
and nifty little tucked-away shelves in places like that?
that could be neat if well designed
The Fool
like this person has their whole wardrobe stored in a staircase:
The Fool
and this one has drawers:
it looks cool, but seems like complete hell to keep neat all the time.
I am enchanted by the idea but have the hardest time decluttering my one br apartment
yeah the need for decluttering is one of my biggest issues
The Fool
there's also some that like... come out from cabinets ?
The Fool
haha yeah see and I'm like
The Fool
ooh yes. I have a friend who really wants to buy a house on wheels: Tumbleweed Tiny Houses
The Fool
because I'm actually trying to work on decluttering/minimizing my stuff right now Alex gave me the bug but since I live in a big enough place, I don't... have to?
The Fool
Like there's room for all my shit here, but I still hate how much of it I have, because most of it is... shit that I don't need or use.
The Fool
oh yeah, and then sometimes it's just hard convincing yourself to let go of something
even if you know you'll never use or need it
The Fool
yeah. it's also like ... I can't afford to replace anything, so I keep a lot of things that "might work" or "could be useful someday"
my biggest problem is... books. b/c I have a bunch but I never read most of them
The Fool
But I get really frustrated with how much shit I have that really isn't what I need or want
They had a lot of "tiny house nation" stuff on tv a while back, and I always liked it. I would adore living in one, except most are usually trailer type houses. D:
if you have a college friend or someone you can drag over to your house, or even someone to call and chat with while you do that, it helps!
The Fool
Mm! I'm hoping to work on it some more when my health gets a bit better
The Fool
wind : Yeah I'd probably want something more solid and stationary than that, really.
The Fool
But there's some tiny cottages and stuff.
The Fool
they're so cute
Yeah, though that doesn't work for me either for the same reason. Because they're usually out in the middle of nature, and I don't drive. But hnnnngh, I've wanted one for years.
The Fool
The Fool
they're so neat
The Fool
I just love seeing all the storage solutions people come up with in them
The Fool
and the design elements are really cool
Yeah, and how they situate beds and the like.
The Fool
I find stuff like fold-down tables and desks really neat too
I wouldn't mind a tiny house either, but maaaan I have too many things and good furniture and feel like I wouldn't have ROOM. and then there's the fact that I live living in an urban area, which for the most part wouldn't have such tiny places.
The Fool
The Fool
that's awesome to me because I trip over furniture so much (rofl)
I'm best sticking with a 1br apt
The Fool
see, I don't really have much in the way of quality stuff I actually WANT to keep
Hee, yes.
I'd be super happy with a studio apt. too, except that when I look at prices, I feel like a tiny house would get me more for so much less.
The Fool
Yeah, a studio apartment would be cool too!
The Fool
But they're less charming to me somehow (LOL)
The Fool
I just really regret having as much space as I do right now. Like. I live in a guest house, not a full-sized house, but the bedroom is kind of built like... a barn or something? It's huge. And I have an extra room I was going to make into a study that wound up like... PILED HIGH WITH STORED SHIT.
The Fool
That I really need to just completely gut.
The Fool
I'd really rather have a decent one-bedroom place than this.
I mostly have..... comp desk + chair, dresser x 2 (one small, one large), full size bed, kitchen table + 4 chairs, 4 bookcases, sofa, loveseat, accent table x 4, nightstand, upholstered armchair. (thinking)
Yeah, it helps that I don't have furniture or anything yet. I can buy stuff depending on where and when I finally find a place for myself.
But I also 100% agree that it felt great when I decided to clear out half the shit in my room like "I don't even remember having this so long sucker!" and then looking around and not missing a thing.
The Fool
The Fool
Yeah I really want to do that.
The Fool
It's just going to take a lot of time and energy.
Yessssssss, it does.
I was lucky to have planned it well and had a lot of motivation at the time.
a one bedroom apartment is the way to go, I say.
I would nab one in a heartbeat if they didn't cost as much as our freaking house here. :|||||
I can't speak as to anywhere else, but apartment prices in So Cal are insane.
The Fool
Yeah I can't really move until I get a whole bunch of financial stuff sorted out, so all this is wishful thinking on my part. (LOL)
in my case it's basically a living room, bedroom, some nice closets, a small kitchen, and a smallish-medium size full bathroom.
The Fool
Like right now I'm still in a situation of possibly being homeless in a month or two >>
The Fool
so this is just pipe dreams
Pipe dreams fuel me right now. I say have as many as you want.
The Fool
The Fool
My other pipe dream is living under Puli's kitchen cabinets and stealing her food all the time.
The Fool
The Fool
But you know!
The Fool
It's just weird though, that I had a dream about this sort of... really small space living... since I was really young.
The Fool
And then it became a THING that was everywhere recently.
Robin Season
I'm weird because I get all -_- at the tiny house TV shows (but not because I am against tiny houses)
Robin Season
because the ones on the TV... most of them could do what they want far more cheaply and efficiently with an RV
The Fool
Robin Season
I have to laugh every time hubby turns that show on
The Fool
I don't know enough about RVs to really judge, but I'm used to them being really expensive
Robin Season
not as expensive as those houses are, no
Robin Season
we looked at a really nice one this summer that had slide outs and fireplaces and it was maybe $37k
The Fool
The Fool
I'm used to people talking about buying RVs that cost more than traditional houses
Robin Season
and bigger than the tiny house
The Fool
so I've never really thought of them as a thing that would be an option
Robin Season
those are the ones you drive, with a diesel engine, that look like a tour bus
The Fool
... there's another kind?
Robin Season
we do the travel trailer thing with ours. that's why we always have one more vehicle at the house than however many drivers we have in the family
Robin Season
yeah. travel trailers and fifth wheels
The Fool
ahhhh I see
Robin Season
how do you think we can afford having two of them?
The Fool
Robin Season
we did get a really good deal on the one that's in Michigan, because it used to be ours and we traded a motorcycle as part of the price, lol, and got it back from friends
Robin Season
there are some amazingly clever ways to save space though
The Fool
haha I see
Robin Season
yeah, the ones that you tow are far more affordable, even if you count in buying a vehicle to tow it
The Fool
I'm mostly interested in space saving design elements, and less in WHAT TYPE OF STRUCTURE IT IS
The Fool
but that's neat I should look at some of those
The Fool
Robin Season
those big diesel ones that look like a tour bus are going to run $60k and up even for used ones, sometimes. $100-200k isn't at all unheard of
Robin Season
but you can get a little 13 foot trailer, even :-)
Robin Season
our shadow cruiser wasn't that much bigger than that
Robin Season
fold down beds and tables and all sorts of fun cabinet things :-)
The Fool
Robin Season
there are smaller ovens for those that actually come with one
Robin Season
though except for one camper, we always just used a toaster oven
Robin Season
there are small refrigerators
Robin Season
smaller cooktops
Robin Season
tables fold down into beds
Robin Season
or couches can
Robin Season
our bigger camper has bunks in the back, with storage underneath the bottom set
Robin Season
so I also think it's weird when the builders of these tiny houses think only along the lines of them being houses. I'm fine with custom building a home to be exactly how you want
Robin Season
but when they don't use the wealth of ideas that are there with RVs which are essentially the same thing, I just shake my head
I think a lot of the tiny house thing is caught up in the aesthetics of minimalism, though.
Which RVs definitely do not fit.
I definitely prefer function over form.
So I'm not really as into the "typical" small house stuff because a lot of it just seems to be there to fulfill that minimalism aesthetic, which I'm not really into.
Haha, there's definitely an aesthetic to it. And a feeling of being in a "real house" vs. a motor home.
My best friend in elementary school had a motor home, and her family took me with them on some trips. It had its own awesome feel, like you could take it anywhere and still be "home."
But the tiny homes that feel more efficient but still cozy? I'm super into. :3
Hnngh, yes.
The Fool
haha yeah I could see that
Yeah the mobile-trailer tiny house thing makes me scratch me head too
The Fool
I haven't watched any of the shows, but a lot of the tiny house sites really pitch it as...
The Fool
being aesthetically more like a real house
Because that's what a motorhome is right? My grandparents had one and they would take us on vacation to Florida every year when I was tiny
The Fool
and a lot of them are styled very rustic
But the stationary ones, yeah I see the appeal
The Fool
I think for a lot of people motorhomes don't feel like real houses?
This is why I'm happy with the "smaller" older house we bought, instead of the cavernous newer houses they sell these days
more space = more room for the wollybuggers to hide in help
The Fool
haha yes that too
Dude have you seen motorhomes these days? They are nice, seriously, some family friends had one that made my house look like a derelict wreck. Electric fireplace, wood floors, granite countertops....
Nicer than most housetrailers I've been in
The Fool
haha no I haven't
Trust me, they fancy these days
The Fool
I am sorry for not knowing anything about rich people stuff??
The Fool
The Fool
like a lot of what I like about the tiny home thing is how many people were doing a lot of work on them themselves and having a whole house for $20,000 or so
The Fool
like it's a nice dream for me because it seems more achievable than ever having $100,000
The Fool
(or more)
The Fool
to have a "real" house
The Fool
like fantasizing about things that are really really expensive stopped being fun at some point for me, so stuff that seems like a frugal alternative but has super cool aesthetics is way more fun
I guess cause I know so many retired folks, motorhomes just never seemed like a "rich" thing to me? :|a Just a retired-so-we-migrate-to-Florida-for-the-winter thing.
An old-people thing. >.>;;;
The Fool
The Fool
It just always struck me as a rich people thing because everyone I knew who had one spent more for it than they spent for their regular house
I have no idea what they cost, honestly >.> Never wanted one so I never asked. Shrugs
The Fool
but I'm also coming so much from the extreme poverty perspective that who I consider rich and who you consider rich you're probably very different things
The Fool
I'm not really used to people retiring most people I know work until they die
The Fool
unless they're disabled or something
The Fool
so the whole retiring and then going off and doing other things is itself a rich people thing to me
Nods And I've always been around middle-class sorts so my perspective is skewed, too.
The Fool
granted the whole minimalist movement is also a rich people thing, but it's one that feels a little more accessible
The Fool
The Fool
like poorer people have edged into it by making their own versions of the rich people things
The Fool
like how some communities are trying to get tiny houses for homeless people
I LOVE tiny houses but I'd never be able to limit the amount of stuff I have enough to use one.
So obviously I need to help get both you and Lizzy a tiny house, because she wants one too
It might make a fun vacation home though
The Fool
She thinks she'll lose less stuff that way
The Fool
... that sounds like a good plan for me too
The Fool
though it depends because if it's one of those tiny houses with lots of little shelves and drawers....
The Fool
Honestly she's just like me and tends to put stuff down and walk off and forget where she put it so I'm not sure a smaller house would help
The Fool
Except by maybe giving her fewer places to look.
The Fool
I mean it's less space to cover looking for something though!!
The Fool
I would love to have less area to clean too xp
Robin Season
I'm sure it;s possible to build a tiny house for an affordable amount of money, but the ones on those tv shows aren't that; they cost more and weigh a ton more and do things so much less efficiently and are more about the aesthetics and the "oh look at what I'm doing to reduce my carbon footprint"
Robin Season
that's what annoys me
The Fool
yeah I've never seen the TV shows, just internet sites about them, a lot of which focus on how little people spent building them
Robin Season
I just get so upset at the people who make a choice like that and parade it around as if they are morally superior. I'm not saying I disagree with the choice, just that occsional attitude you see
The Fool
The Fool
I think we're probably just looking at different cultures involved with it
Robin Season
the houses usually are a real house, just built small, so they weigh so much more, so I hope a lot of these people aren't moving them around very often
The Fool
Hahaha. yeah and I'm not really interested in the moving aspect
The Fool
so we're definitely talking about different things
Robin Season
now, someone not quite in my neighborhood, but a few miles away, built a nice house out of the shipping containers
The Fool
those are super neat too
Robin Season
and then they plastered it over with stucco so it's got a nice adobe southwest vibe to it
The Fool
The Fool
I also really like stuff where people take other kinds of buildings and convert it into housing
The Fool
like there was an old barn that I used to play in behind my grandmother's house, and someone bought the lot and converted it into a house
Robin Season
the containers aren't ridiculously expensive, they're already structurally sound, so they just need finishing out (and connecting to other containers for when you need more space than one)
The Fool
and it was really super nice
Robin Season
I've definitely been looking at barn and pole barn home conversions
Robin Season
because we are having problems finding the housing we need if we do move to the UP
The Fool
Robin Season
and yeah, hubby will potentially be living in the RV up there if we do take the job
I think.... I fantasize most about communal iving spaces
Robin Season
at least until it gets too cold to
Like with private rooms but big multi-family common areas
And shared kitchens/yard space
Like... I don't need much more than a dormroom's share of private/personal space
Robin Season
we were studying about living areas like that last month in my granddaughter's social studies lesson
But it would be so nice to not only have an enormous functional kitchen, but people to share it with, without, like.... having a gamily
To eat group meals and stuff, but still be able to have your own independant 'household'
Robin Season
there are some mountain communities in China with villages like that. a few buildings, each of the buildings is circular, with a courtyard in the middle
And in the netherlands/finland, I think I've seen
Robin Season
makes a lot better use of what little flat land and building resources they have there
When I was a kid I lived in a townhouse development where basically everybody had a common stretch of front yard and no backyard because th houses had another set of units attached to the opposite side
So I did a lot of growing up with communal lawnspace.
and I miss the idea of having that in a lot of ways
The Fool
that sounds super cool
The Fool
I guess I don't fantasize about that kind of thing because I'm used to thinking of myself as in the out-group
The Fool
like it sounds really cool to me but I can't imagine anyone accepting me into that kind of community
8< Maybe I dream about weird out-group banding together
The Fool
so hearing other people talk about those things or reading about them is really cool but I can't ever imagine myself living there
I mean I'm super introverted but.... often I wish there was some kind of non-awkward way to belong to a community, I guess
without necessaily having a traditional family unit
The Fool
that sounds amazing
The Fool
The Fool
if Puli were there I would go
The Fool
Hippie communes?
I'm picturing a circle of tiny houses around a communal courtyard of sorts, like a band of Romani vardo
Yeah-- communal living spaces is definitely a thing I would be MORE interested in if there were a good way to do that without sacrificing privacy.
Because you end up wasting a lot less and spending a lot less when you share those rooms and goods that everyone needs a separate one of if you live separately
The Fool
that's true!
and assuming that people don't just steal things in the communal rooms
as an example, my previous apartment building was for people who had previously been homeless for X amount of time or longer. no wait list. it's a way to help people get a positive rental history that would be tough to otherwise. but it was ~$360 for a bedroom, a bathroom you share with several other tenants, and a single communal kitchen+living room on the
first floor. and people continually would use up the toilet paper in the bathrooms and not put in fresh rolls. it was irritating b/c I could put in a fresh roll one day and the next it's gone
I eventually learned to simply take the roll in and out with me b/c I couldn't trust the others sharing the bathroom
and while not related to theft, the kitchen sharing was annoying b/c only one resident could be in it at a time, and there was only one.
if you wanted to do cooking and it was in use, you either had to wait or try to get your microwave oven to do it
everyone of course had a microwave oven and dorm-size fridge in their bedrooms
so, communal living def has more downsides than lack of privacy
I mean, yeah, the private/publicness of... stuff, is always going to cause some tension
But in an ideal, perfect-world arrangement, a kitchen would be big enough to accomodate more than one person at once
The security of stuf getting stolen is one of the reasons why the first... experimentalist communal living situation I was in fell apart
Someone was taking cash from me while I slept, and that was not cool.
It happened again with my last roommate
...So. Yes, there are risks involved.
there should at least be locks on one's bedrooms
the place I was in thankfully did have that.
But while I don't really crave size in terms of a big house, I.... definitely have times where I feel way too cramped in my kitchen
But there's not many affordable 1 bedrooms that have the kind of kitchen-to-rest-of-the-living-space ratio that would really make me happiest.
The Fool
haha yeah
I've seen a few models where the kitchen space is more incorporated into the living area though, and I crave having a home like hat someday