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Ask me about my characters' families!
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A meme I have not seen before! Interesting
Tell us about Chatte's family!
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So he is not a member of a long line of cat burglar/magical bois?
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... That's a yes and no
so cat burglars yes, magical boys no? Or more complicated than that?
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Miraculouses are definitely shown to be a heritable thing that's been around for millennium, but it's not a family heirloom, he just got it from some random old guy that he was nice to
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So, magical boys yes, but nothing to do with family
Rats, part of me wanted to think he was a distant descendant of Arsene Lupin III
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So his mom is not around. Strongly implied dead, I can't remember if that was ever directly stated, but basically ever since whatever happened to her happened, his rich fashion designer dad became SUPER distant and basically would not let him go out of the mansion or do anything
Said she died in the one epp I saw
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Oh okay. I forgot then. lmao
Though my korean is a bit rusty
and ick, that is sad
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And also
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His dad is 99% probably the Papillon aka the villain who keeps possessing people
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The hints for this are not subtle
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I mean...
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so basically it depends on if the show intends to be as straightforward as it's been so far or if their plan is to swerve the things they've set up
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Anyway though. Adrien suffers a lot because his dad wants him locked up, expects him to be perfect, but is never there for him, possibly because he is spending all his time in a spooky tower
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and a lot of this is why he enjoys being Chat Noir so much, bc he gets to be free
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free and anonymous
The one truth I learned about isolation is.... You need a bakery across the street, then it is more tolerable. But I guess being a super hero would work too.
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Marinette does live in a bakery.... he should clearly go there more
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(but he'd have to bring his bodyguard if he's going as himself, it kind of spoils the fun)
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(and his dad would probably be like. NO. GET MY SECRETARY TO BRING YOU COOKIES. U STAY)
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But actually once he started going to school he got a little more freedom to do stuff like that so that's more of how it would have been.
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He had to sneak out to enroll in public school though
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that is how bad this was
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then fights dad after he finds out until he lets him stay
are mira's parents the kind she will TAKE AN ICE CREAM BOY HOME TO
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I like how that's the question instead of the other way around
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Honestly I kind of doubt that they are even still around??
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It's not stated anywhere, but I just kind of have this sense that Mira's mom died. Timeframe could be anywhere from "when she was still in high school" to "like a couple years before Virginia Bailey"
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Perhaps she still has a father that she has a taciturn relationship with
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Laid back and friendly, someone she could occasionally go to, but also a self absorbed guy that wants to live his own life now that his kids are grown
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He's coping with mom's death that way
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Getting new girlfriends
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Never too harsh on his daughter, but pretty ignorant when it comes to psychiatric disorders, just never thought of her problems as a big deal
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(Obviously, he has NO IDEA...)
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his cool personality is a lot like what she pretends she is.
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Something like that
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........ Umm, if she introduced him to Eric, he'd probably be like, "Really???" but not too much of a jerk. But she wouldn't do that anyway, because Eric wasn't serious to her prior to the decision game and afterwards it's like....
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Well she's in prison, so. They are likely going to meet under pretty awkward circumstances. LMAO
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Anyway, this is all stuff that I made up on the spot
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But a parental relationship that is lonely but subtle and accidental in nature - that seems to fit to me
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her mom was worse than him, in my imagination. but she's not in the people an ice cream boy could meet category. '-'
that makes lots of sense to me! :-o