Cami Mahovlich
The one positive thing I see with the Blogotex system for the bloggers is needing less in world group space. I now have three stores using the system and have had three groups open up. That part is nice.

I like that and not having to contact someone when I don't get a blogger copy due to failed senders.

Cami Mahovlich
: that is another great point too, didn't even think of that part

Alicia ✿
still do not like. lol

Alicia ✿
especially since i was "auto suspended" last month because i was late with a blog post, and i assumed that meant i was out. so i was like, cool, didn't want to do it anymore anyway. and then i was automatically re-added this month.

If a store is only asking for 1 item a month to be blogged, is that able to be handled by Blogotex? Historically, I only asked for my bloggers to do 1 item a month since I didn't want to stress them out, but I closed my inworld group because it was too much work to manage them on my own.

it's just like being fired by a blogger manager though isn't it? just doesn't come from a person

i haven't had any of my groups say you could leave

Cami Mahovlich
I haven't been auto-suspended yet so I'm not sure how that works. It gets tricky with all of them doing different rules. one you have 15 days from getting the item, where as my latest is you have to send two posts every 30 days.

Alicia ✿
I honestly forget to log into the system unless I get some notice, so I dunno what's going on or what my time limits are or whatever most of the time.

(Hi, if you're one of our bloggers, please don't assume the auto-suspend is us firing you! <3 We're easy, just throw us a message when that happens