Year of the Cat
That moment you finally realize, 'Oh, this isn't just an intense interest in something. This is a sexual fetish.'

Year of the Cat
I know I'm a dodo to realize this so slowly, but you must understand I'm not a very sexual person to begin with. Low sexual drive, low desire, low everything.

Year of the Cat
So kinks and fetishes are usually interesting to me only in a very abstract way.

Year of the Cat
But today, watching a hairstyling video on YT, it finally hit me.

Year of the Cat
I'm like 'Oh, I don't just like watching these videos because they interest me. I LIKE THEM BECAUSE I'M SEXUALLY TURNED ON BY WATCHING SOMEONE'S HAIR GET DONE.'

Year of the Cat
The little lightbulb in my head literally turned on and went ding.

Year of the Cat
So yeah, new thing that turns me on is watching someone's hair get done or thoughts of someone playing with my own hair. Whodathunkit?


..wow, posting without caffiene..I was going to say 'to be fair', there's a good reason why old paints of women brushing their hair was considered 'sensual

𝒩𝒶𝓃𝒸𝓎 𝒮𝒾𝓀𝑒𝓈
playing with hair is a sort of massage. So it makes sense to me.

good on you :|b always nice to learn something new like that about yourself

Brushing hair is super relaxing too

yeah I trawl those videos for ASMR purposes, but I can see that working for a fetish as well. My personal favorites are the ones of people who roleplay as hairdressers, if that works for you