tea’s gone cold
I share a birthday with Marcel Funebris
tea’s gone cold
april seems really undersubscribed, does Aries not overlap with an FF character archetype nicely?
i share mine with Rinoa :-o
Lady Stardust
i don't go here but Seven has a birthday the day before mine and seems cool
fairy lights
I don't share a birthday with anyone but cyan and laguna's are the day before ine
fairy lights
the honored one
Vincent is close to me, what does it means
mine is in between setzer & deuce's and nine's
the other side
fairy lights : uh well that means you share a birthday with me! (app-wave)
fairy lights
aw yiss!
🎨art x science🥼
mine is the day before Tifa's
Big Bad Guzma.
Garnet is closest. Bummer.
Cat Herder
Closest to me is Celes Chere from VI
Cat Herder
She's a day after me