Pumpqueen Fall
“What the hell? I’m hungry. I don’t have time for this!” my wife shouted. I could taste blood now. How the hell does Christian Grey keep it together? Eventually, my wife relented and stormed off to the kitchen to whip something up.
Pumpqueen Fall
So technically, this strategy works, but it works in the same way a three-year-old throwing a tantrum in the middle of a department store works. It gets the result you want, but at the cost of you looking like a complete asshole. She still wound up making dinner though, so the point goes to Christian Grey.
Pumpqueen Fall
Verdict: She was not turned on, but neither of us went hungry.
Pumpqueen Fall
/sobbing/ Cosmo plz
Pumpqueen Fall
As my wife was about to swipe her card, I hastily shouted, “NO I GOT THIS!” and threw a few crumpled up bills and a Sacagawea dollar on the counter. The cashier looked at me like I was high.
Pumpqueen Fall
My wife looked at me like I was high. She ended up paying for the milk anyway (just like Ana would). Also, I accidentally left the Sacagawea dollar behind, so this was a net loss. The milk was good, though, as far as milk goes.

Verdict: My wife, though confused, was decidedly not turned on.
Pumpqueen Fall
Yeah I would kill fiancace if he did that shit XD
He has BEST explained after the week was up or I'd suspect he was on drugs
Or had a head injury
Crow Witch
LOL Indeed