BIG HUGE PSA FOR APPLICANTS: Due to some feedback and speaking with the mods we've decided to rework our application slightly, in hopes that it isn't too daunting for you guys!
We've made the decision to merge the personality and strengths/weaknesses together, so for those who have applied already with the old application, please do not worry; we will still be accepting applications as-is!
It isn't too big of a change and hopefully this makes things a little less daunting on everyone's behalf. We are always willing to compromise to people who come up to us with any potential issue or any feedback that they might have.
Again, if anybody else here has any questions, comments, concerns, or any other feedback that they would like to give us, please feel free to send a PM to this account or to hit me up on my personal plurk (endlesseight) as I'm the one who answers most of the plurk-related things.
Also as a heads up we are still at 9/30 applicants; that hasn't changed at all since yesterday! We are fully aware of the problems in our timing - considering that there's four murdergames happening at the same time - and was not something that we initially panned out for with our inception last November.
wah ill try to get mine in soon!
ill do my best to get mine in today!
No worries about the rush, we're just giving people a heads up that the application format has been tweaked slightly and that we're basically pretty open to crit and are willing to work on things, since this is our first time modding a murdergame, although two of our mods have experience modding other games.
Hopefully the current wording of the personality section makes it seem less daunting as we are not looking for much and I shall reiterate that it is perfectly fine if your application is shorter than the maximum amount needed. We're mostly looking for conciseness and to make sure that everything makes sense and fits.
If you get revisions, it's primarily because of things that need clarification, things that sound contradicting/confusing, things like that.
heart attack 💕
Cool that it is a little easier. In my experience murder game apps tend to be more light, with their purpose not really to judge quality but more to help mods assign roles and motives and such. What's going to take me time is the sample since I haven't played this character in a really long time
heart attack 💕
There wasn't a TDM was there?
There was not!
heart attack 💕
Fair! Then yeah, I'm gonna have to write one from scratch
Yeah, I'm actually a murdergame veteran here and we as a mod team have decided to go with using to app for a little bit of both, since in my experience, quality has been vital to gameplay, and even more so since this is a public RP over an invite-only one.
Which is why we've opted to go with a balance in order to make fair decisions.
heart attack 💕
Sounds good!
Oh, I'm glad to hear of this! I really hope some more people will consider the game now!
If this was an invite-only game then the application would look very different, trust me.
But we're not being very hard on applications anyway in general and we're giving plenty of leeway for those who are applying! tl;dr: don't be scared we don't bite
In any case, hopefully this puts a little less of a load off everyone's shoulders. We're a relatively new mod team, so we definitely appreciate any and all feedback and would like to thank you guys for sending us messages about it!
joker ⍟
I'm having more issues with writing my history section being too time-consuming, but this is a huge relief. Thank you guys.
joker ⍟ : I don't know if it'll help but did you check the Xros Wars page on TV Tropes? We're accepting those as links too, and I know you're apping from the manga over the anime hence why you didn't want to use the wiki, which was anime-only in info
joker ⍟
!!!!! I TOTALLY FORGOT THAT, it might not have it but I'll give it a quick look anyway!
i just need to do samples but ive been too lazy af to do them
LIKE YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE TOO DETAILED re: history, we're not expecting it
just as long as the major points are summarized, we should be good
joker ⍟
I'm having some trouble checking because I'm on mobile, but it looks like there's a TV Tropes page for the series but not my character. I don't know if it's sufficient, though. ;A;
endlesseight THIS IS THE MOST BELATED SETTING QUESTION BUT do characters have to download the app game within their own world? Since I am not sure how this affects characters who wouldn't play / exist in worlds without smart phones
I'm going to go with no on the former question and say that the app would install itself and just simply be uninstallable. As for the latter question, for those characters that did not have smart phones, they would have gotten one in their hands at some point with the game already open.
They would just need to tap the screen once for Fav to announce that they've been chosen.
I'll add this information to the IC intro as well. If the character wouldn't have tapped the screen a second time for confirmation, they would have been possessed for a few short seconds, compelled to pressed it.
Thank you!
No problem!
Lightning Bolt
I probably gave myself a bunch of trouble by choosing to play an OC
hmm, now I'm actually considering it since my work schedule makes this doable
if I'm insane enough to balance two murder games for a time though
heart attack 💕
just have to decide who
you can always die early
That was definitely a rather random promotion, but thank you very much! Again, we're still at 9/30 slots.
I'll bump this up for the morning and afternoon crowd!
Lightning Bolt
We thank you all very much for replurking this, it means a lot to us! Also I forgot to mention this in my other plurks but we as a mod team would also like to publicly thank ερнraιм dιd ιт who wonderfully offered to make us the codes that we currently have and will be seeing in play for the murdergame!
heart attack 💕
Mandee is as prolific as ever
what can you say
she did really good
heart attack 💕
She did!
ερнraιм dιd ιт
sjdfgkldsjf oh my gosh UM THNAK YOU!! you dont have to thank me though
ερнraιм dιd ιт
i just idk i do things ITS NO BIG DEAL dont worry about it JUST HAVE FUN EVERYONE!! and i hope you guys get to the cap!!
cataro yumenya
shit this is heckin' tempting......
HAHA i wanted to thank you because all of the codes are beautiful and everyone on the modteam thinks so as well
the coding is seriously amazing, you did an awesome job
coerce 👁️‍🗨️
agreed on the coding for sure! I also saw Len's preview of the profiles and they looked really nice and cute
coerce 👁️‍🗨️
cataro yumenya : also yesss join us Michelle
cataro yumenya
seto........ no don't tempt me..... i'd app a bleach tbh
coerce 👁️‍🗨️
cataro yumenya
.... I KNEW IT
enable any and all people
i will accept it all
cataro yumenya
huffs loudly
don't be tsundere
Lightning Bolt
More Pokemon characters could be cool
i, as a mod, welcome our obscure character overlords.
no but really i will be happy with any and most characters. i'm not picky. enable me into your canons.