Etain's gonna evolve into an Elegant style Vivillion! cos Ash is bi as fuq BECAUSE it relates to an old Irish story about the 'Wooing of Etain', about a woman who got turned into a purple butterfly and cast away by wild windstorms because of jealousy/love
Carmilla is the first known vampire ever, predating Dracula! Hitchcock is for Alfred Hitchcock, cos The Birds. And Cu is Irish for 'Hound' and the name of a legendary hero. Who is male but Ash doesn't care
and with the upcoming LION STORM, he's gonna get himself a lion. A Litleo :3 I'm tempted to have him name it Mufusa, only for it to turn out to be female. Again, Ash won't care. Names are names, who gives a damn?
cos Ash is bi as fuqBECAUSE it relates to an old Irish story about the 'Wooing of Etain', about a woman who got turned into a purple butterfly and cast away by wild windstorms because of jealousy/loveoh and it's also your turn on the pokemon battle thread now!OH OOPS SORRYI did it Dad