Bard of Blood
so i'm single again
Bard of Blood
when bf started pulling the "i can't be racist because i'm gay" card i was out
Bard of Blood
normally i don't whine about things like this on here, but i'm just not sure where else to do it
Bard of Blood
i thought he was a better person than that
Bard of Blood
he seemed so kind and loving
Bard of Blood
but only to other white people i guess
Bard of Blood
in retrospect, the fact that he's never dated a black guy should've been a red flag
Bard of Blood
granted, i didn't know that until recently
Bard of Blood
racists are good at hiding their racism
purkle archer
I'm so confused how he thought the one meant he couldn't be the other
Bard of Blood
well, see... he's oppressed!
Bard of Blood
so he can't be an oppressor, that's just silly
duck bastard
oh oof
Bard of Blood
i think he's one of those guys who thinks that just because he isn't out beating black people, harassing them, or discriminating against them it makes him a good guy
Bard of Blood
but if you vote for oppressive people and oppressive policies that's still racism
duck bastard
Yeah, and there are a lot of other subtle kinds of racism, a lot which you might not think about until you really do some serious introspection and questioning
duck bastard
but that means being willing to admit something very unpleasant and nasty about yourself
Bard of Blood
yeah, really all anyone has to do to enable racism is not speak out against it. just stay with the status quo
Bard of Blood
and he's far too comfortable with that. he doesn't question it
Bard of Blood
he doesn't like anyone who does question it
Bard of Blood
and there we have a problem, because i'm a very big supporter of BLM
Bard of Blood
he thinks they promoting violence and divisiveness
Bard of Blood
i don't know how many times i've tried to explain that that's not the case, but he still doesn't get it
Bard of Blood
and then he gets all "well, how come they're not supporting gay people?"
Bard of Blood
bullshit they're not
Bard of Blood
have you read their platform?
Bard of Blood
no you haven't
duck bastard
oooooh my god
Bard of Blood
because you're too busy reading news stories that portray them as a bunch of violent thugs
Bard of Blood
i guess that "reality" is a lot more comfortable to him
duck bastard
They called MLK a thug too 8/
Bard of Blood
Bard of Blood
he was going on the other night about the black panthers promoting violence
Bard of Blood
and it's frustrating, because you can't tell him he's wrong
Bard of Blood
he was a history major, so he knows everything
Bard of Blood
yeah, they were voilent at times, but they did a lot of good too
Bard of Blood
they had some great programs
Bard of Blood
they're not the villains people make them out to be
Bard of Blood
certainly not the villains history makes them out to be
duck bastard
that just makes it more annoying
Bard of Blood
*white history
duck bastard
because as a history major, he is EQUIPPED on an academic level to look into how screwed over disenfranchised groups were
Bard of Blood
because let's be clear, there is very much a deficiency of different viewpoints in history, which i'm sure he prefers to be blissfully unaware of
Bard of Blood
duck bastard : oh, but that's all in the past!
Bard of Blood
slavery was over a long time ago and he had nothing to do with it
duck bastard
let me fight your ex
Bard of Blood
and i don't get how he doesn't see the modern-day parallels
Bard of Blood
duck bastard : i would, but honestly? I doubt he would listen
Bard of Blood
he wouldn't even listen to me
Bard of Blood
definitely won't listen to anyone whose skin is darker than his
Bard of Blood
i think he has a habit of talking over people, which is sad really
Bard of Blood
if he just stopped to listen he could be a more compassionate person
Bard of Blood
but he's too wrapped up in his own wolrdview
duck bastard
let it be noted when I say "fight", I mean "cage match"
Bard of Blood
Bard of Blood
no doubt you would win
duck bastard
I am fueled by feathery rage
Bard of Blood
I'm extremely and profoundly disappointed.
Bard of Blood
I don't understand for the life of me how some people can just stick their heads in the sand and not care fo other human beings.
Bard of Blood
as though supporting someone else takes something away from them
Bard of Blood
and I know he was a poor, picked on little gay boy, but come on
Bard of Blood
you're an adult now and no one is out to get you
Bard of Blood
except Republicans
Bard of Blood
and Mike Pence
Bard of Blood
okay, maybe a lot of people are out to get you, but not the blacks
I am also newly single, I can be your designated driver and you can drink for the both of us
plant jesus
I'm sorry he turned out to be an asshole.
Bard of Blood
Calliente : thanks
Bard of Blood
plant jesus : I'm pretty sure that the only reason I didn't recognize it sooner is because all the other racists in my life have been more obvious about it. So it could've been worse, I guess.
Bard of Blood
At least I know what to avoid next time.
plant jesus
Yeah. :/ Sadly, some of the most lowkey bigoted people I've ever met have been white cis gay men. Everything's a mine field.
And the whole "if I am oppressed in any way that means I cannot possibly be problematic in any way myself" mindset is pretty common, too
But actually, I think being oppressed in one way actually may make you more likely to throw other, more oppressed groups under the bus in a bid for acceptance...
Which is the same principle behind how I, having been bullied for most of my school life, wound up mocking and bullying a kid through the eighth grade because other people found it funny and suddenly I was accepted and NOT the target of harassment for once
It was a shitty thing for me to do that I absolutely should have known better than to do to someone else, because I had been through it, but I wanted acceptance so badly and was so relieved to be accepted that I wasn't analyzing the actions I was taking to earn that acceptance at all
I feel like a lot of the reason white cis gay men often wind up being racist or transphobic or sexist is for the same reasons, because those are common problems in the queer community :|a
Bard of Blood
Yeah, pretty much.
Bard of Blood
I think there's some internalized homophobia going on with him too, because he has this attitude that's like...
Bard of Blood
When the orlando shooting happened? He went on a rant about how we "shouldn't politicize it".
Bard of Blood
I was shocked of course, because dude... how do you not realize that you're speaking against your own community?
Bard of Blood
I think it says something about him that he feels safest and more included/equal when his identity is erased and denied.
Bard of Blood
He's always worried about trying to fit in, to the point where it makes me uncomfortable.
Bard of Blood
He's talk bad about himself, post a bunch of porn on his tumblr. All skinny white twinks with no personality or diversity whatsoever.
Bard of Blood
Like, his idea of male beauty is marginalizing to a wide variety of people, including himself. Why does he surround himself with such bullshit?
Bard of Blood
I think he has some serious issues that I can't do a damn thing about, sadly.
Bard of Blood
I've tried.
Bard of Blood
He wants to be this perfect person so bad
Bard of Blood
that he just can't be happy with himself.
Bard of Blood
But what the world wants from him isn't right.
Bard of Blood
I don't understand why he just submits to social norms instead of fighting against them.
Bard of Blood
I guess maybe he feel safer that way.
Bard of Blood
And I don't blame people for wanting to protect themselves, but...
Bard of Blood
when that comes at the cost of other people suffering just so you can be comfortbale?
Bard of Blood
Bard of Blood
Bard of Blood
Bard of Blood
Anyway, it's just sort of heartbreaking, because I love him and let him into my life and made him part of my family.
Bard of Blood
I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.
Bard of Blood
And now I can't.
Bard of Blood
Now that I know why he says those things I just can't stand to be near him anymore.
Bard of Blood
I mean, ignorance is one thing. You can't support a viewpoint you've never been exposed to.
Bard of Blood
But willful ignorance is another. I've exposed him plenty.
Bard of Blood
And if you choose to bury your head in the sand while other poeple suffer, then sorry.
Bard of Blood
I don't want that in my life.
duck bastard
plant jesus
For what it's worth, I'm hella proud of you for this.
Bard of Blood
Bard of Blood