Becca Stareyes
Weird anxiety dream this morning.
Becca Stareyes
Like, I get the 'you signed up for this class and it's three weeks in and you've never attended' dreams a lot, not to mention a 'you don't remember your schedule or where anythign is. All about high school.
Becca Stareyes
But this one was in a giant lecture hall and apparently was about an orchestra class. And I
Becca Stareyes
And I had been switched from woodwind to violin (neither of which I play) and between one thing and another had never practiced the violin, and had forgotten it to class, and had missed half the class by going to a memorial for a friend of a friend that I didn' really know.
Becca Stareyes
And the instructor (who was either my undergrad astronomy adviser or the author of one of the webcomcis I read) was all 'we need to get ready, so we can play this straight through' and I start freaking out.
Becca Stareyes
And after the class, he was all 'hey, what about you work the slide projector instead of play, and I'm all 'I don't need your pity'. So I go home and find my violin, and it's almost bedtime and I open the case, and the violin is apparently a 'do it yourself' assembly...
Becca Stareyes
...because the school couldn't give me a working one when i swtiched from wahtever my original instrument was. (Flute? Recorder?)
Becca Stareyes
The thing is, I didn't go into instrumental music past elementary school because I never practiced, and my instrument was the cello. (Which is a lovely instrument, but a pain in the ass when you are in the 5th grade and need to haul it around for class and practicing.)
Becca Stareyes
Also the instructor had left photocopied pro-Devos articles on the desks, which weren't even legible photocopies. Like, not just 'you can't read in dreams', since I could see the music fine, but 'this was a poor photocopy of cheap newsprint, and may be several generations removed from the original, so no one can read beyond hte headline.
Becca Stareyes
I don't even with my brain