I'm partway through chapter 9 in the main story and have mostly just been levelling some units I liked, and done enough arena battles to fulfil the requirements for the February quest
(the arena gives a nice amount of feathers though and I can see myself using a bunch in the future, so even with the 10k feathers coming from that retweet advertisement campaign they did on twitter a day or two ago, I might actually dabble in it a bit more just for that)
I've also mostly been spending orbs on upgrading my castle as far as is (currently?) possible (giving me +100% the exp gain) so I haven't done that many pulls yet. Currently saving up orbs for another set of five
I have admittedly let auto battle take care of a lot of the level grinding for me; it makes questionable decisions sometimes but it's ok for easier battles and even remembers to give exp to healers
also, I forgot when in the main plot you unlock the ability to do special missions, but once you do, you can get 1and 2 versions of a different character every day, and there's also a special release celebration mission in there that gives you 6 orbs total
(Heroes is certainly doing its job of making me want to go back and play a "real" FE game though. I have... let's see... Path of Radiance, Awakening... and technically Sacred Stones, which was my first, although its batteries seem to have died so I can't save the game anymore, so I guess that doesn't count)
(but I get so paranoid about the ones that only have a permadeath system, and worry so much about ending up with a bunch of horribly underlevelled units unable to beat the game, oops)
yyyeah, I would probably do something similar (and I mean, that's what I did for the war battles in the Suikoden games too, but there, getting the best ending pretty much depends on it, sooo....)
(I am also slowly replaying DDS so now I'm thinking of feeding lost party members from alternate Game Over/reset timelines to the Embryon and am missing the point of this explanation spectacularly)
I tried like... two or three years ago? and it worked really well except that the emulator would randomly shut itself down anywhere from 5-20 minutes into whatever I was doing (regardless of if I was actually playing or just sitting in a menu or whatever). Never figured out what was up with that.
I mean, I do still have a wii and a GC controller to play PoR with if all else fails, but I'd still like to get an emulator to work reliably because, well... RD's prices these days...
remembered that I have a MyNintendo account that I'm not really doing anything with so I figured I might as well connect it to this game. That got me 10 more orbs and enough to do a set of pulls
her Desperation skill is also pretty great (depending on which level of it you have available, it makes it so that "if unit initiates combat with HP < 25/50/75%, follow-up attacks occur immediately after unit's attack")
and she can significantly reduce the speed of all foes within 2 spaces of her just by being there at the start of a turn and having that skill equipped, which, paired with her own mobility from being a pegasus knight, makes getting away and to a healer a lot easier
(my healer is Serra, but Felicia (the ninja maid whose available in her 1 and 2 star versions from today's daily) also gets a skill that lets her passively regenerate 3/5/7 HP to every adjacent ally after she attacks, which has saved me more than once)
and sometimes you reeeaaally want mages of the right colour (I don't have a blue tome user at all yet ;__ and my 4star Nino (green tome) and Henry (red tome) have been super useful in the last couple story battles especially, but also just in general
slooowly working her way back up the levelling ladder again now and I think she's made it to like... level 13? My main team (minus her) is 27 now and stuck there until I get more units up into that range I think
because I have trouble taking on the levelling tower's stratum that actually still gives them experience unless the enemies just happen to be perfectly tailored to the one specific set-up I have at that level
I should probably tackle some hard mode quest with the B team while I'm levelling them, before they get high enough to stop getting exp from the lower level HM quests
my main team has also been auto battling its way through the beginner level of the arena enough to get me 1k+ feathers at the beginning of next week, plus whatever I might get for defence, and then there's the 1k reward for winning 20 arena battles while that promotion is up. Can't have too many feathers!
by level:
the result was kind of eh but the 3star on the right (Lon'qu) is cute at least
but why does this person talk like a Trump tweet? :/