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I wanna ramble about something, the IC and OOC experience of RPing Scrooge so far, so mute if you like because I'm not sure how joined these thoughts are gonna be |D Otherwise,
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I first had the idea to pick up Scrooge in early August last year. I remember when it hit me too, of all things it was watching the theme song. I'd seen Nostalgia Critic's coverage of the pilot five-parter around the same time, and from that looked up the theme. I felt the "new muse" twinge, and was initially
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surprised that it was Scrooge. I typically pick up the nerdy ones or the quiet ones, and while "Jerk with a heart of gold surrounded by more jerk" was definitely in my wheelhouse, it wasn't exactly one of my usual types?
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Hell I even remember the PART of the theme where it hit me "I want to play this duck."
[HD] DuckTales Original Theme Song Disney
From there I started rewatching DuckTales for the first time since.... I dunno, I was three? Eight? Child. Originally he was only going to be DuckTales version but then I found the comics online, started
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reading those and integrating them into what's now my standard Scrooge, which is a blend of both (and is both easier and harder to jam together than you'd think it'd be) and haven't really looked back.
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And the more I do, the more I realize just how much this stupid duck means, in ways that haven't really hit me since I was playing Chris with regularity, but also in his own unique ducky ways.
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When I was playing Chris regularly in games, it had that childhood aspect to it. I loved Kratts' Creatures and to play the fictionalized version of their animated selves in Wild Kratts? Not to mention the occasional people who'd remember the show like I did, or one of their others, and acknowledge it with some love.
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But whereas some people remember the Kratts depending on their childhood, EVERYONE seems to know DuckTales. If not DuckTales then the comics, or both. The sheer amount of.... feedback I've gotten from people who see Scrooge has blown me away.
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Occasionally people I don't even know will reach out to me, on love memes and the like, to tell me that just seeing Scrooge be played is a joy, is nostalgic, and whatever else. And just... whether I get comments like that from strangers, or friends, or hell even anons on scant occasion, I don't even know what to say.
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I can't ever really claim to be the "popular kid", not really, and I'm not claiming so now. What I can't ignore is that playing Scrooge has gotten me more attention than any character I've picked up before. And I love it, but not in any narcissistic way (I mean, of course I get a little selfish happiness out of it, but that's not the main part ;P ). When
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I get comments like that, I get all warm inside because I love that something that I'm doing is making other people happy. That they smile when they read the threads he's in, that they hear his voice which is the highest compliment I think an RPer could receive. That they smile makes me smile, and that's honestly part
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of the reason I've continued playing him, why he's such a strong character for me. Getting to share that experience with other people.
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I feel like every experience in my life has come to this. Which might be a silly thing to say about RP, but there's been further effects in my real life too, so take it as you will. I didn't only watch DuckTales when I was young enough to count my age in single digits, I learned to read on Uncle $crooge comics. My god, the nostalgia bomb that
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hit me when I found those issues, coming across them online. The tactile memories of sitting on our old couch paging through these stories of ducks, of Donald facing down a giant pike, and Scrooge burying his money only for Beagles to dredge it up.
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So it's like it's been an expansion of my own childhood. I've really, really loved playing Scrooge so far, getting to explore all the little nuances of his character. ....which I first typed as "nuisances of his character" which isn't entirely inaccurate either.
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Like, yes we know Scrooge. Money-grubbing, money swimming duck, takes care of his grand-nephews and goes on adventures.
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Did you know he considers Donald richer than he? That his money isn't just money, it's memories? That sometimes, he relies on his secretary so much he can't bear to part with her? That the mere thought of the nephews being in trouble instantly makes him go Papa Bear?
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There's even multitudes of stories where he'll pull an Enemy Mine and work with his hated rivals to defeat a common foe. Teaming up with Magica to collectively save his Number One Dime. Pulling weight with the Beagle Boys to save other Beagles in trouble. Hell, he even saved Flintheart Glomgold during one trip. Once.
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It's not even all feelsy stuff, either. There's the little running gags of his character. Hitting the ceiling, literally so, whenever money shocks happen, to such a degree of predictability that his staff nail pillows above him, which he always watched with an uneasy suspicion. That he hears a penny drop at ten feet, and
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the word "gold" at twenty feet. That he has to air himself out every now and again (usually via standing on the prow of a moving boat) because gold dust gets in his pores and he gets sluggish otherwise. That he's freaking not!addicted to nutmeg.
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The deeper in I dive, the more I realize how complex this "simplistic Disney character" can be, as is the case with so, SO many of them. Getting to use the little obscure notes about him has been one of my favorite parts; I can't tell you how many times I saw something in the comics and went "let's use that in RP."
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(comics or DuckTales, rather)
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I'm not really sure what else to say without repeating myself, except... Thank you, to anyone sharing the RP journey with me, giving me people to bounce Scrooge off of in the first place. This wouldn't go anywhere without tagging partners, or people around just to see what he's up to, or to hear me ramble about rich ducks.
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There's been a wealth haah of joy here so far. I know ducks have kinda consumed me lately, as my fandoms tend to swing, but I can't really say I haven't enjoyed it. It's been a lot of fun.
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okay I think I'm done now
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I mean, think you for setting the spark that rekindled my love for Donald, you know?
thank you*
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Aww <3 You're welcome X3 I'm glad we get to thread them together
🎃 Jack O'Fox
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🎃 Jack O'Fox
It recaptured my childhood love of the classic disney things/duck tales too, I'm really happy you got into it :-D
🎃 Jack O'Fox
also I always knew you'd do a good job at Scrooge, no doubt
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I'm glad I haven't let down that faith <3
🎃 Jack O'Fox
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Bat Matt
Your Scrooge is the one character whose voice I can hear as often (more often, in most cases, since I usually play silent protags) as my own.
Bat Matt
I mean that in the literal sense.
Bat Matt
You have him nailed and it's such a joy to boomerang with you.