[slight TMI] Small victories for the start of the day: knowing that my appetite will already be low from the monthly hell, and that starting adderall again will make that worse, I forced myself to have a Larabar even though I wans't feeling hungry

bc otherwise I'd be going 'why am I dizzy--oh yeah I haven't eaten anything AT ALL' by like 6

I mean yeah the adderall is gr9 for my focus but hoo boy the appetite suppresion is a horrible side effect when I've already got other conditions that do that

And I'm also trying to moderate my caffeine intake since well adderall. I need to have SOME caffeine because of other health conditions (mostly my headaches) but I know my 'usual' amount+adderall will end in me hanging onto a chair for dear life for like an hour so.

(bc that happened once before LESSON LEARNED)