I live in New England, and I'm an intense fan of the writings of H.P. Lovecraft, so there'll be a fair amount of chatter and jokes involving "Lovecraft Country". :: gentle laugh ::
I'm also somewhat physically and neurologically disabled, and I have a few mental health issues. Nothing horribly serious (bad back, Asperger Syndrome, plus depression/anxiety), so there may be times when I'm a bit down or more quiet than usual.
There will also be random chatter involving various fandoms (right now, besides Lovecraft, it's mostly Gotham, the anime Yami no Matsuei, and rotating cycle of horror movies and literature), also chatter involving odd things happening at work, at home...
I'm a bit more partial to classic horror meself (ie. mostly stuff from the Eighties and before, with random titles from the Nineties onward, usually based on friends' recommendations).
I've done that with books, oddly enough: first time I read Lovecraft's "The Rats in the Walls", something started scratching in the walls of my room (old house, over a hundred years old, so we have some visitors...) and I let out a yelp. :: laughs ::
Isn't it??? :: Laughs :: I think it's the fact that you're playing out the story in your head, that adds to the "oh man, it's reeeeaaalll o,o" quality.
except Tonyso.also tony had a small heartattack at the name howard and wow no okay