son boy allowed
ASSPATS? ASSPATS. If you feel like it, tell me what you like about my RPing/RPing with me!
Out Of Darkness
I love the humor our threads inevitably devolve into
Haunted Boobs
SO MANY THINGS! You have such an awesome grasp of your characters' voices, and I know I've said it before, but I love, love, love your introspection and how well you get across what's going on under the surface.
Gah, I love love love the complexities of your characters and how there's often a lot going on beneath the surface. They're really enriched in your hands and they're not one note; they can be funny, they can be emotional, they can be fed up and tired.
son boy allowed
Out Of Darkness
: ME TOO. I won't lie, I've been kind of lagging in Ryslig lately (NOT FOR THIS PLOT, I'm super hype for this plot) but one of the big things that's kept me going is how great and fun all of Heather's Nest CR is, especially Dante!
son boy allowed
Haunted Boobs
: THANK YOU! ;-; I'm still really glad that my introspection does the job and isn't just distracting and unnecessary. I know I've mentioned before that I worry about that a lot.
Out Of Darkness
sjakljlkgj lgkg OH NO /shrivels into a ball of squealing
my weakness
Out Of Darkness
I'm so glad because I love Dante and Heather's ridiculous CR
Out Of Darkness
they need to get into more trouble together
son boy allowed
: klsjhfkgh THANK YOU! That is ALSO a huge goal of mine. I really, really want any character I play to feel like a person and not a gimmick or a cardboard cutout. I'm so glad that comes out.
son boy allowed
Out Of Darkness
: THEY DO, and thank you so much for putting up with me and my slow flakey butt.
Out Of Darkness
I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND I have my slow times too
Out Of Darkness
I'm super excited for this upcoming plot, but speaking of trouble to get into would Heather like to join Dante on a "harass Dyster because reasons"?
Out Of Darkness
while the doors are open and they can get in to cause some trouble
you are my preshush babby sister and i love playing with you. I always feel like I'm THERE on that adventure when we thread and it's been the best years of my life
son boy allowed
Out Of Darkness
: ABSOLUTELY, I have that post open and Heather would 100% want to go fuck up a god's turf.
son boy allowed
Out Of Darkness
yessss good
Out Of Darkness
I'll probably do some poking around tomorrow since it's late now
Oh my god? OH MY GOD I love playing with you so much. It's been going on seven years and it's been an absolute blast all the way
You've got excellent characterization, excellent writing, and are so fun to plot with
and I just. fucking love how our CR has developed over the years and just come together naturally the way it has
son boy allowed
son boy allowed
Out Of Darkness
: INCIDENTALLY since I've got both the larger event post and the Nest log open-- is the thread where Dante and Greed are helping Stocke open to other Nesters, like could I toss Heather in there or start a different thread entirely?
son boy allowed
also feel free to answer that XD
son boy allowed
EITHER WAY Heather will absolutely go rampage a bit with Dante, probably in no small part to 'get back' at the fog god for what happened to Stocke, because she basically sees no difference between the two gods
son boy allowed
she hates and blames them both for basically everything
son boy allowed
because that's what you do when you're Heather Mason
Out Of Darkness
I would ask Teri yes
Out Of Darkness
hey she and Dante agree on that front 8D
son boy allowed
son boy allowed
but yeah I also have the main event log open, I could put up a toplevel for Heather and Dante (and anyone who wants to try and stop them) too!
Out Of Darkness
if you'd like! I'm totally down
please go for it, yes!
son boy allowed
: Okay! I'll hit that up next.
son boy allowed
TOPLEVEL for wrecking shit in Dyster
Out Of Darkness
Out Of Darkness
Imma eat then hit that
son boy allowed
OKAY I went ahead and threw Heather into the thread, let me know if anything needs to be changed!