Bixmas Cheer
Your Obedient Servant
Oh look, it's Malik and Eren's theme song.
Bixmas Cheer
Clauida gets the "Sweet jesus" line.
Dr. Yubsie
no duels
Bixmas Cheer
no promises
Last time someone offered to 1v1 Malik IRL they got shut down because of vague premonitions of floorventures.
Flash Bastard
No duels.
No. Duels.
Bixmas Cheer
what about with nerf weapons?
Lupa will Makajamon and Dormina your asses. Don't think he won't!
Bixmas Cheer
or pool noodles
Flash Bastard
...can we trust either of you to stick to fully non-injurious weapons.
Dr. Yubsie
someone needs to liminal mayo
manip up a hose
Cerise ♢
And then the pool noodle got set on fire.
FluffyFaeCat about chess? Lupa could officiate (he knows a little bit about chess from his strategist)
Bixmas Cheer
chess is not as satisfying as hitting each other with pool noodles
Flash Bastard
Claudia's there to mediate to prevent a duel ok ok.
fine. but you both have to agree to be under makajamon during the pool noodle duel
can't set anything on fire if you can't access your magic!
Bixmas Cheer
.....challenge accepted
Bixmas Cheer
hilariously, Malik only has either the candle-flame cantrip or needs to use a thrown thing (rock, throwing knife, etc.) to possibly set anything on fire.
Bixmas Cheer
and his thrown weapon one can't set people on fire, only objects.
Flash Bastard
Cerise ♢
Really, when you have a rip-the-enemy's-heart-out spell
And you're an assassin rather than a demolitionist
Why would you bother with fire
Bixmas Cheer
Bixmas Cheer
besides, with Malik it isn't the fire that's dangerous. It's when he gets to ice that you're well and truly fucked.
Bixmas Cheer
also WHELP I hit myself in the feels on "what scents does Malik associate with comfort" answer.
Flash Bastard
Flash Bastard
It makes sense, though.