I did Some tags. a whole 4. -_-;; have a ton more, but flagging for the night. gonna work on plans for demon'ing up Vriska in here :V
angler fish teeth
keeping her current fangs at about the same length relative to her other teeth too
imagine an anglerfish, but HAPPY. possibly hyped up on soda again. :>
mouthfuls of long skinny teeth are my art nemesis tho |D (am sketching a face Attempt rn)
(I looked up actual anglerfish photos for reference, and they all look so mournful, save them)
since troll nails are naturally bright yellow, pondering whether dull metallic gold would count as dark enough for demon claws
I'd think so? :|a
so far all the "dark claws" art I've seen has gone in for "outright black claws", but they probably started with more human-y colored nails? :|aa
Oh definitely :|a
a looong skinny tail, like a whip. no additions at the end, just super long.
also pondering whether I can make her legs go more ...and I cannot remember how to spell the word, but that thing where ya walk on ya toes, with ya knees always bent?
🐷 Pɪɢsᴀᴡ 🪚
yes, that!
chrome only suggested digitalis, and I knew that was the wrong word entirely |D
a forked tongue. I think the teeth and tongue will be her first change. just, teeth all fall out and tongue splits down the middle, getting blue blood everywhere.
might start lengthening her horns round then too
on the fence on whether I'll keep her sclera yellow or eventually turn them black. and I need to spend time considering her wing situation, since I want to do something ~interesting~ with em and so far I got nothing on that front
she came in with pointed ears, so I don't need to do anything with that. :|a maybe I should try exaggerating the pointy-ness? idk
goddd i wanna draw this as soon as this is finalized...
oh um
idk if this'll help your wing thing but one of the neatest things I've seen re: demons and wings...is...
fuck i can't find the image
it was like this weird blend of butterfly/bat/leaf tho...
:0 sounds interesting!
sobs that's why im upset i can't find the pick tho
me a direction to wander towards tho, thanks for mentioning it even if you can't find the pic!
hahahaha well I'm glad for that at least!
mostly it came to mind because it deviates from the standard batwing shape/look to things yknow? :|a
like even just giving it the look of two sets where it's actually one...
oooh I can't wait to see this