So yesterday, I found out that an employee at work passed away. She was only there for like 5 months, but still. I feel...well, what am I supposed to feel.
I only really saw her for a few hours each day, she was the type of person to speak her mind and she really got a good handle on the kids.
I was kind of intimidated by her, to be honest? Mostly because she was pretty old and had a lot more experience with teaching and childcare stuff.
adanteallegro that speaking ill of the passed? I'm not really sure.
Not sure if this is related at all, but man I'm depressed right now. Sure feel nothing about feeling nothing.
Maybe it's just because I'm with an age group that I don't have a lot of experience with, which are the 2 year olds. The terrible twos. Hoooo boy.
I'm going to go to a used video game store after work just so I can have something to look forward to after work.
I kind of feel like I want to fold into myself right now.
Welp, I'm just gonna ride this feeling out. What else is there to do at this point?