Porg Herder
Saw Rogue One. They left it on a terrible cliffhanger just for sequel bait. Which is just SO Hollywood these days, you know? Look. They even have a poster for the sequel already.
Porg Herder
Okay, I have to ask a dumb question, because I don't get /actual/ entertainment news, I just live off of social media and such...
Every explanation of Rogue One I've seen is "it's the sequel to the prequels of the prequels of the sequels which are a sequel to the sequel of the <...> LOLOLOL"
...........What.....exactly......is this? Is it Star Wars 3.5 or something????
Porg Herder
: Yes.
Porg Herder
It's the story of how they get the plans for the Death Star that Leia gives R2-D2 in the first movie (First movie being the first one that came out)
Oh, cool!
Porg Herder
However none of the Original Cast are in it. (Luke, Leia, Han, Obi Wan Kenobi etc)
Porg Herder
That's why the poster is funny.
Yeah, I've seen lots of gags like your plurk, too, and I'm just like "...okay...this will be funny once I go see it???"
ugh great welp time to brainwipe the kids again so they can see the movies in IC-chronological order
Porg Herder
: If it helps, Everyone in my family was also confused.
Porg Herder
(Except me) and I've had to explain it to my mom four times already... Twice after she saw it.
Porg Herder
: It actually is stand alone enough that it's okay you saw it out of order? Except that I really wanted to see A New Hope really bad when I was done?
I...don't understand how you could be confused. I was because I didn't know what it was about, but the concept of "after 3, before 4" is noooooot that hard?
Porg Herder
I think it's because when people talk about the star wars movies you've got the first three that came out and the first three chronologically.
Porg Herder
And the last movie that came out happens a long time after this one does and people don't expect to jump back and forth along the timeline.
I guess that's just something you see as normal when you're into SW.
Porg Herder
Yeah. Saying the first movie can mean two sort of different things.
Porg Herder
(Also, my mom's memory for this sort of thing is fairly non-existent)
♥ 不死的黑蛇 ♥
I don't think it was a cliffhanger at all? it's a cliffhanger to Episode 4, I thought
♥ 不死的黑蛇 ♥
♥ 不死的黑蛇 ♥
anyway the ending was so good
Porg Herder
♥ 不死的黑蛇 ♥
Porg Herder
But yes, I agree, the ending was really good.
I am not okay.
Porg Herder
: The Ending was Something.
yes it was
Porg Herder
At least it was a good ending! ... For a given value of good.
♥ 不死的黑蛇 ♥
i actually had some definite issues with a lot of the film (I really, really wanted to like Jyn and really, really didn't), but the ending really just.... this is what hope looks like and that's incredible
Porg Herder
♥ 不死的黑蛇 ♥
: I think what they needed to do, really, was to knock the ending out of the park otherwise it just wouldn't have ... fit? Personally, I was indiferent to Jyn, but it didn't stop me from enjoying it.
♥ 不死的黑蛇 ♥
yeah I saw the ending coming (not every detail, of course) quite a bit ahead, because I realized that was what needed to happen for the film to work. and I wasn't disappointed.
♥ 不死的黑蛇 ♥
definitely a recommended movie, overall.
Porg Herder
I knew the ending was coming even before the movie started... but yes, it had to happen and I think it happened well.