big big jugs
MJ D:<
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how dare you toy with my nerves thsi way
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I'm stalking the anders and alistair thread too
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lies on the floor in spite and despair
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this is why we're leaving alistair behind
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the choice is obvious
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jk if they can only get one out teren's going to suggest they take poor claustrophobic anders and stay back with her worst child
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because she has confidence in her own shady and immoral methods of extracting someone from a bad situation while nobody honorable is watching
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cough nate
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I'm an embarrassing human who gets irl worried about fictional characters and can't shut up about it until the situation is resolved
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my sweet boys!!!! what aer we gonna do
Nate is pretty much done with trying the honorable approach anyway
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teren is gonna demand to see the prisoners next
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and strategize from there
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keep your shit together howe!!
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the black pot to the kettle
Dude at least they are freaking out in complementary ways
When someone needs to be calm, someone is calm
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lmao yes it's true
It's just a toss-up who it is
As long as that works, we're good
big big jugs
velanna in the middle just
Velanna is not used to being the sane one
yeah she doesn't like it
OK here's the plan if they're being kept somewhere with dirt floors or shitty stonework she can just root teleport them out
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big big jugs
velanna tells it like it is
No L
I loved that notif, I love this plurk.
Velanna doesn't really have much of a filter. she loves Anders but he's an idiot.
big big jugs
over the course of this scene teren is realizing that she wants to be best friends with velanna
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angry, bitter best friends