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[wrist saga]
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Did not even bring my wrist braces to work today
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lingering pain is halving every day
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barely even noticeable now
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finally I can go back to a life without sweaty hate clamps latched onto both arms
✶ 𝐇𝐨𝐇𝐨𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐨!
you rise, stronger than ever before
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well, slightly weaker, but
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now I know about wrist stretches
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Worrisome Red Spots persist but I'll give those a few more days I guess
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and certain angles are still a bit painful
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but my life can return to normal
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casualties: six weeks, guitar as a hobby
Yeah keep up those stretches
Lord Nick
I'm just gonna be That Guy and point out that defeating the evil in that scene doomed the human race to extinction
Lord Nick
But congrats on your wrists feeling better
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Lord Nick
Fair enough
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we had it coming
did they give you steroid shots for 'em?
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some kind of shots
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I forget the details
probably, then
awesome that it is working for you
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I'm ready to have functioning hands again
i got a steroid shot for tendonitis once upon a time and it went away for like a month and it was great BUT THEN IT CAME RIGHT BACK so i have some advice from that experience for you
I googled to try and find the source of that image and it turns out The Cabin In The Woods is a very different movie from what I thought it was
which is even though they don't hurt anymore, keep treating them like they do
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Cabin is great
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very strange, but one of my favorite Whedon works
ie keep activities restricted in the same ways you were when they did hurt
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thanks for the advice
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am I cool to at least not use the fuckin wrist braces as long as I'm being fairly chill and taking my meds
because if you do what i did and just go on like shit's normal suddenly, you don't actually give it the chance to heal and it just gets worse!!
yeah you should be fine w/o the wrist braces
i'd still wear them to bed but during the day you should be cool as long as you're nice to your wrists
steroid shots reduce the inflammation and thus eliminate most of the pain, but don't actually heal any of the stress damage, they just provide the chance for it to heal w/o inflammation interfering
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I will continue with my stretches and not playing guitar
MAN it's a huge bummer that you have to put down the guitar bc of it though
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really is
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I'll probably bum aruond on it once in a blue moon still but
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why are bodies just the worst
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keeping my hands intact takes priority
when is science going to allow you to scan your consciousness into a computer so you can exist entirely free of pain
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then I can achieve my true dream and shitpost 24/7
the true american dream
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I'd GM more often
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no rent, no food, I just need to work enough to cover my streaming subscriptions
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shit I'd miss food so much
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You could have food in the simulation obviously
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oh OK even better
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now I can eat whatever I want and not gain weight too
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upload away