How is it down 16% but also According to the report, the idol otaku market increased by 30.7% from the previous fiscal year to 155 billion yen (US$1.36 billion)
You get people like that sometimes in any fandom, who just sink too much of themselves (time, money, emotional investment) into it and forget or neglect to keep building other parts of their life
Like, most people who enjoy working out just jog or hit the gym sometimes, a smaller subset buy expensive equipment and magazines but still maintain a healthy and varied lifestyle
and then you get the occasional person who becomes obsessive, constantly works out, loses their grip on other parts of their life and develops a genuine disorder that can even be life-threatening.
The quilter who becomes a hoarder and fills her basement with expensive machines and fabric she'll never use. The shopping addict, the bodybuilder who destroys his own health.
Unhealthy obsession and addiction to activities is a thing; it's good for geeks to remember that even as we fight the perception that they're automatically inherent in our particular hobbies.
According to the report, the idol otaku market increased by 30.7% from the previous fiscal year to 155 billion yen (US$1.36 billion)