Is there a more recent mesh body use survey out there?
Would love to know what people are using most lately
Sei Minuet
I think Maitreya won for female Avi award, and Slink for male Avi award if that helps
❄ annette ❄
mesh body addicts started one back in october but idk I couldn't find any results from them The Mesh Body/Head Survey - Part 2 - Mesh Body Addicts
the last survey I saw still showed maitreya way out ahead by more than 60% I think
for women
I don't remember seeing a mens one
DamienFate I wore slink for a long time. TMP is horrible for the alpha hud is soo limited IMHO. I wear Gianni now from signature and most of my go to male clothing designers make slink and signature Gianni
Hope this info helps
Kittyfox McMeep
majority of the ladies I'm around use hourglass
❄ annette ❄
^^ yesss I would be up for that
I use Beleza Freya and Maitreya most. Maitreya mostly because usually all the stuff is for her. I'd prefer to use Freya tho.
mba did a survey in oct but they didn't release the results
❄ annette ❄
^ That's a question surveys need to have more than just "what body do you use". Like of course a lot of people are using Maitreya right now because that's all designers are making clothes for
❄ annette ❄
i'd love to know what bodies people would prefer to use or switch to
I wouldn't switch from maitreya for any of the current bodies, but also there are underlying reasons people rig some and not others beyond that.
like belleza made 3 bodies and even though the kit is pretty good and some more people have it, do you pick one body? and then the rocket boob problem for modeling. Then HG rig issues and modeling issues
❄ annette ❄
oh yeah ofc, the body shapes are so extreme for some that it's more of a pain to make in the first place. I'd love to add a size for the curvier bodies tho, I just don't know which one is the most preferred atm
I think HG is the curvy preference still
❄ annette ❄
strawberrysingh: Ohhh this is great!! <3 gonna be keeping an eye on this
strawberrysingh: You're a star!