oh boy! https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5701/31142276222_c1825cdc53_b.jpg Lifetime of Blueberry, How high do you think this is going to go? 300K, higher?
кisмεт Fαiʇн
Last time it went for like 300k didn't it?
кisмεт Fαiʇн : yes I think so, thats why I was asking if you guys thought it would go for 300K or higher
I think higher, I am going with 450K as my guess
кisмεт Fαiʇн
Lol i wish i were that wealthy
Chingona Sophia
last time it went for about 200k, I think. I did a full year of BB releases and I thinkkk, I went for 90k. I also included sitting next to me and sniffing my hair but the winner didn't seem into it. Whateves
Chingona Sophia : can't imagine why. I'm sure your hair smells lovely