MAN now that the crazy stuff has settled down I need to... actually do samples for Reigen in my Dragon Called app... and do more with the utopique plot...
if I actually get this new job I'll be slower but you guys know me.... after 5 or 6 I'd tag like crazy...
I'm not holding my breath though, seems like a serious company and I'm a dumpster fire of a human being when you put my life on paper
I wouldn't hire me to clean toilets
but anxiety about getting hired aside
I definitely need to jump into utopique plot asap before it passes, I've been so good so far I won't let myself break my track record
I love tagging with Reigen but OH MAN, he is a really hard character to write.
mob is much easier and I still am adjusting and fine tuning his voice
my boy really did get so mature, I feel like the manga will end soon... I'm so sad but happy if it does?? ending at 100 chapters is too cute.....
most recent chapter too, my heart, dimple please ..........
MAN I also need to jam out this doujin project it's almost December, I want to consider myself halfway done before it becomes December
if I could START inking before December hits that'd be amazing
no skyrim, minimal mob puzzle, no being too lazy to claim my office chair..... I will finish a long project for the first time in my goddamn life
okay that has been my determined rambling at work I'm done
I will keep my fingers crossed for you getting that job! And the doujin! Kippie can do it!
But ah I agree, no Skyrim is so hard
/just installed new mods
I made a scumbag character for once... I will actually do the thief and assassin thing......
ME TOO, and she's also a vampire, and thus I don't have to worry about cold and exposure rate
I made a khajiit and installed a mod that turns all the speech options for the MC into khajiit-like responses, so good....
I was looking at this mod just recently, and decided that Khajiit is going to be my next dragonborn
with all those modding possibilities this game just never gets old oTL
khajiit are so fun, my breton mage was hella fun tho SO MUCH MAGIC RESIST
oh I installed a mod which gives forsworns as a faction with quest line! I made a breton for that... but that mod keeps breaking the game for my other saves, so I have it turned off, unless i play that breton