I don't know what to do with this spaaaaace.
Other than blend the terrain somehow. But I'll know what I wanna put over those joins when I know what I'm putting there
I've already got a house, a smaller house, two areas of farm, a massive garden, a small lake...Across the street a sort of hangout and a forest....
oohhh which road do you live off of?
: Route 8, on the Satori continent
Persey: Yes I suppose a couple of your megapusses could roam pretty comfortably there
Sephy the Lark
you can't go wrong with a pool filled with jello...
Sephy the Lark
: Hmm, jello pool WITH giant cats does seem like a winning combination
Cap'n Reese
Trees that grow candy and stuff like in Narnia.
so......pool filled with jello and giant cats, surrounded by toffee trees.....
makes notes
a cafe
keep it coming guys
: That's what my hangout across the street is :/
Cap'n Reese
Cap'n Reese
: got movies in the cafe, and I just picked up my drive-in because I never used it.
oh that's yours?!?! i was just there a couple of days ago lol
: haha that's too funny! It gets quite a lot of walk-in traffic and for some reason is particularly popular with furries. I love how it's zero-maintenance but people still find and enjoy it
i like to wander the mainland roads and route 8 is one of my faves
Route 8 is nice, I like the quirky bit where they forgot they were gonna put a road there, and sold it, and so there's the fake tunnels that TP you to where the road resumes
When I first moved here, there was no actual road, just a corridor of "Governor Linden's Land" and I remember one time a lady going down there on a chariot pulled by two harnessed ponyboys.
reminisces fondly