AND RIGHT IN THE FIRST LINE OF THE APP the person was going on about how they were a TERF and Chara was obviously a he/him because they/them weren't ~real~ pronouns???
so I'm screaming about this at koji and then for some reason she immediately pings the person and is like "accepted, welcome to entranceway" (games are well known for approving apps via plurk pings u see)
remember kids: if you aren't a Good Victim people will always immediately dismiss your symptoms or assume they're just you doing something actively malicious to make them unhappy
GF seems to have rrreeeally gone hard on trying to nerf priority this generation. probably not surprising, considering the last gen was like a solid wall of talonflame and thundurus
but they're on pokemon that are kind of... slow to begin with? Tsareena has base, like, 70-something speed and that one colorful fish has... man i don't remember. 90? 80?
also, it's not related at all to priority, but there's a lot of curiosity about araquanid, the water/bug spider with the bubble helmet. its ability seems to do SO MUCH??
the flavor text only lists the first two things, but people seem to be finding that water moves do much huger damage than like... a super-effective move with no STAB, for example
(pokemon spoilers in here)
i miss The Good Content
snap and zero, bursting in through the door: FCUK YOU
2. immunity to burns
3. it doubles the power of water-type attacks?