sin town
ok but i've been wondering what decepticon i should app here
sin town
i got overlord, kaon, turmoil (unlikely because he takes a bit of energy to play), galvatron, deathsaurus...
Ape Venom
aaaaa you have so many good ones ;;;
TheApostate ™
Overlord could be fun, but wouldn't mind seeing Deathsaurus
TheApostate ™
man, now i want somebody to play nickel, the bad ass mom of the djd, lol
Wonder if I might be able to pull her off...
sin town
Overlord comes with the thing that he's a pleasure driven sociopath and his idea of pleasure is murder
sin town
Dearhsaurus or Kaon might be the safest bet. :|a Turmoil also can behave but like I said, he takes a bit of energy
TheApostate ™
Yeah, Overlord would be fun, but hard to sustain in a game...!
ohhh my god
TheApostate ™
Yeah, Overlord would be kinda (unsure) in a game where people are essentially stuck on a ship, lol
TheApostate ™
lost light 2,0 /shot!
hey overlord remember when ambulon crashed that marb into your head!
he does. he remembers.
sin town
lmfao yeah he'd have to have some kind of inhibitor or such and in that case he'd be bouncing off the walls wanting to crush something
sin town
yeah that marb tickled!
all that murder he's not allowed to do :c what a rough life!
sin town
kaon shows up and tarn fucking sweats bc he ripped off his head
Ape Venom
hey if it makes you feel any better kaon you would have died anyway
Ape Venom
at least that way was quick and relatively painless
sin town
thanks bro
sin town
i think deathsaurus might actually be the easiest
sin town
since he's reasonable
sin town
sin town
leans in and gives tarn laser eyes
Ape Venom