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The one with the stars are the ones I am most happy/eager to part with, the others I can likely be swayed but also will probably keep them and not delete them eventually
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I know it's against the TOS to trade them but I have a small, private plurklist so if anyone particularly wants one I'm willing to toss it to you
Cptn Old Spice
Someday Pike/Vala
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yesss I actually am going to canon review her so I can pull her out at least for memes and stuff
Cptn Old Spice
I should warm up Pike's Facepalm icons. He had to deal with Kirk, he has a selection
Saint It Black
oh man thetart is a great name
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That was my original name for Alex until I found a better suited one for her
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
Cptn Old Spice
I kind of like thedrinker for Jessica
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That journal was originally for a character from a cancelled show that was also an alcoholic
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Whatever you guys want just lemme know and I can PP a password so you can change all the info
Cptn Old Spice
sweet. I need to see how rename tokens work.
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if you want rename I can delete it. but I think you might have to wait for a purge to actually rename
Cptn Old Spice
yeah I think I paid for her account I could also wait until it expires.
Cptn Old Spice
oh April 20. So that's not that far away
Cptn Old Spice
oh I think it'd work I just need to control it first
Cptn Old Spice
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You can also transfer paid time into points to transfer it to another journal (I did that with Alex when I changed her account)
Cptn Old Spice
ooh good to know
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Just for future reference. I didn't know they let you transfer names though, that's super neat
Cptn Old Spice
yeah that really is
Saint It Black
I would love thetart. I have no clue who I'm going to use it for XD
Cptn Old Spice
To transfer names, you need one rename token and the one you are currently using has to have the same email and password that you want to change it to.
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That is good to know. I was thinking of changing Vala's