Paco Pooley
After watching the first season of "The Magicians" I started to read the books. It is surprisingly good. like grown up Harry Potter with lots of fun moments...
Paco Pooley
It is a bit like Harry Potter is banging in Narnia drunken with his gay boheme friends. .. a bit...
.. well a bit ... can I translate it to: excattly like?
Paco Pooley
ridicposes: season two is shot already and will come early 2017
Paco Pooley
But the books are really good. so if anyone Of the Harry Potter bookworms is looking for a surrogate drug i can recommend it
∙ᴇᴠɪʟ ᴠᴇɢᴇᴛᴀʙʟᴇ
oh i watched it too and i wanted to get the books, buut i have to admit that the last episodes were a bit crude
Paco Pooley
∙ᴇᴠɪʟ ᴠᴇɢᴇᴛᴀʙʟᴇ : I have not seen the last two yet but the books are also Kind of crude which makes also the Charme of the books
i saw two episodes and and felt like BH 90210 in a magical world lol
∙ᴇᴠɪʟ ᴠᴇɢᴇᴛᴀʙʟᴇ
Paco Pooley : i have no problem with the "killing" kind of crude... buuut... watch the last two episode, kay? the kind of crude i'm talking about is there
∙ᴇᴠɪʟ ᴠᴇɢᴇᴛᴀʙʟᴇ
don't want to spoiler it to you tho
h ULee Weener
cant wait for season 2
Paco Pooley
SHAYnyXmasStar : lol in the books it is way more drugs and alcohol then in the TV series. It is pretty anarchistic
Paco Pooley : haha was just to write same ;
Paco Pooley
simpleManu : great minds think alike
Paco Pooley
ridicposes: anytime...