Cute Quinn
How the fuck do I unsubscritbe from hellofresh
Cute Quinn
they already charged me the full $70 for a sedcond box I didn't want because I forgot to immediately cancel after getting the free one
Cute Quinn
well played hellofresh you fuckin got me
Cute Quinn
oh, nope
Cute Quinn
they've already locked me in for the next TWO boxes I don't want
Cute Quinn
soooo my free meals ended up costing $140
Cute Quinn
oh thank god I think I got away with just one unwanted box of recipes
Cute Quinn
oh well time to have a refrigerator full of recipes I don't have time to make while both my wrists are too fucked to make them on my own
Cute Quinn
I hate free samples that automatically sign you up to continue after they end
lazy loafer
yeah, forgot the name of the company that I ordered from, but yeah, they don't make it easy for you to unsubscribe... you have to contact them directly and tell them you want out.
Cute Quinn
no I found a button
lazy loafer
Cute Quinn
Cute Quinn
I'm struggling to remember whether or not they told me that it'd automatically continue after the free box
lazy loafer
then i guess it's the company that I ordered from that has you contact them if you want to unsubscribe
Cute Quinn
and now ont he website I can find NO INDICATION that I'm cancelled
Cute Quinn
this is so frustrating
Cute Quinn
am I sinking seventy dollars a week into this shitty site or not
Cute Quinn
I'd be all over these recipe delivery services if they had like a
Cute Quinn
"I live by myself and find cooking super stressful" option
Cute Quinn
where instead of three meals a week they send you two meals every other week
Cute Quinn
that would be about my level
do you want me to come cook for you? :-D
❆𝒮𝒽𝑜𝓌 𝒴𝑜𝓊𝓇𝓈𝑒𝓁𝒻
oh no I'm so sorry...
Cute Quinn
no I do not
Cute Quinn
I want to either get delivery or eat out every day but that's not actually feasible
Cute Quinn
so instead I'll just complain a lot
big juicy
pats prof i feel ya
Cute Quinn
pro/cons of making food
Cute Quinn
pro: food
Cute Quinn
con: making
big juicy
have you considered a slow cooker? because i too detest cooking, and slow cookers are a really good way to make a shitton of food that can last forever with minimal effort
Cute Quinn
I have a slow cooker
Cute Quinn
I've used it like twice since I got it
Cute Quinn
three years ago
big juicy
Yeah the first thing I did was to go into my subscription and cancel every scheduled delivery for the next two months until I'd decided what I was going to do with it
It's not very intuitive but they do have a section with video tutorials and such which thankfully I saw early on
Cute Quinn
I was an idiot and did not do this
Cute Quinn
so now a bunch of complex meals are going to show up in my fridge and then slowly go bad as I never make them
maybe ask your neighbors
if they want ingredients or something...
and then they can invite you for a meal
can you maybe delay when they arrive?
like they probably have something for if you go on vacation or something
if you did that at least you could spread it out
Cute Quinn
I can manually go in and cancel two out of every three boxes
but yeah lmao i agree i eat takeout way too much but there needs to be a simpler food subscription thing
Cute Quinn
but the main issue is that even three meals at once is borderline too much since each one is two people's worth of food and they're gonna go bad by the time I work up the mental energy
Cute Quinn
to cook all of them
yeah i hear you
i have the same problem
what i might suggest is
to cook it all in a big batch at once
and then fridge the leftovers
and take them to work
Cute Quinn
one hour of cooking is already exhausting, doing three in a row might actually kill me
That's my approach and its advantage is that it lets you trade longer cooking time for simpler prep - e.g. stews, chilis, that kind of thing
Not difficult to make, but best done when you're not hungry and in need to something to eat ASAP because you just got home on a work night.
Also worth considering: frozen ready meals you can microwave, meal kits that require no or minimal preparation beyond "stick these containers in the oven"
Cute Quinn
yes I do those
Cute Quinn
like I have enough solutions that I can get by, I'm not trying to find a way to assemble enough dinners to survive
Cute Quinn
I just got hellofresh because I had a free box
Cute Quinn
and then I remembered why I cancelled blue apron
Cute Quinn
and got screwed by a bad website