Some of you may remember Sian/Sion Pearl. So I'm sharing this as per her human's request. To quote the human: "It's the goodbye post. It sort of puts it all in perspective."
but i mean, we see things differently than them i suppose. i look at sl as dolls, and dress up. i'm not sometimes albino demon shape shifter in real life, i can't speak for them, but i like being one?
: As I understand it (and I won't begin to explain it cos that's for her human to do, if he wishes to) that the outing had a professional implication and a RL project was scraped
There was an issue (as I understand it) with the character being a black female but was 'played' by a white male. To quote from there: "I gave sian her own personality."
Sian The Character is different than The Human. One of our conversations long ago was how different can a character you created be? It was awesome conversation.
I feel incredibly strongly against the trends of today, however. The restrictions of the masses trying to oppress what art was meant to be: Free. Good or bad, unpopular opinion or not.
But of course, these strong feelings are backed up by the fair abuse I've been through with people who think they could use their personal opinions and turn it against what I wanted to express through my work.
Do you think it would have made a big difference if Sian identified herself throughout her SL interaction as "always IC"? Because that is what it was, to me. A very cerebrally-charged performance piece.
Bad comparison, but it's like going to the movies and you know Leo DiCaprio is playing this role, and you don't want this role to be Leo playing a role. Not sure if I say this right.
I knew Sian was a male player and not a PoC and it never mattered to me - after the whole issue with that person, we mostly lost contact, and I wish I'd been better at keeping contact, but... It bothers me,
that its okay to play a stereotypical Chaotic Willing female [or even male] when you're the opposite gender, but offend the wrong person and its not okay to play someone who is thought out and interesting.
Considering my own dealings with a person who refuses to respect the relative anonymity of the net, who has more than once tried to start crap online with others on SLU, while the initial issue was a fair cope,
the continued pettiness afterwards shows a nice level of cyber- bullying in my opinion. Sian's typist is not only a writer, but also a Role-player, and books and games would be dull if we could only play or
: yeah. i guess I feel fine about it because I don't actively seek out people in sl, so I take whatever they represent themselves as on the surface level.
If your avi is a cat, then you're a cat. If you're a horse, then you're a horse. Fae. Kid avi. Clown avi. Whatever it is. I see that as that and I don't bother to understand the meaning behind it.
I personally do not care what person is behind the avatar - if different gender or whatsoever. However: If feelings of other people are involved i.e. in a relationship it can very fast hurt others without...
The problem is, it's become the right of the less accepting to take offense at people for not being like them, while those of us who aren't 'normal', whatever that means, who need to walk on eggshells, lest we