若TED Ed 願登高一呼,建議舉世於 2016/12/25/00:00 anyone at any where takes any thing can make sounds or music, to stop war, to stop killing and keep peace. To show the power of people. It is now or never.
Most of us only knows the beautiful mom with sweet smile and most important, 2 pretty shaped big {from a small baby's eyes} containers of delicious foods but some just can enjoy it with bottle. No for refugee.
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58l3 同學會有無下文? 請各位已敲定旅居 北部同學,再與曾英哲同學(現居中南部者則與黃春鴻同學)敲定確認106/1/1同學會事宜;乃至"敲敲打打平安夜",各位兄台以為如何可行?