Pumpqueen Fall
What an interesting read.
You don't hear a lot about the romanticized approach to mental illnesses at all
Pumpqueen Fall
236 bees
oh my gosh there's too much of this that's terrifyingly hilariously relatable
Pumpqueen Fall
>> IKR
236 bees
the sprite thing oh my gosh I just went through something kind of similar
Pumpqueen Fall
YEAH I KNOW.... people close to me who do this a lot
Pumpqueen Fall
and I want to shake them and be like "GO BACK ON YOUR MEDS YOU ARE NOT HAPPIER LIKE THIS"
236 bees
only I was actually eating food it was kinda just like, less than I'd normally eat in a day spread across like five days
Pumpqueen Fall
/sobs/ again someone I know :T
236 bees
I've had soda instead of eating too just cause not at all hungry
Pumpqueen Fall
/drags fingers down cheeks
Pumpqueen Fall
Eat. Do therapy. It's good for you
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
not eating?
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
your brain uses certain nutrients in your food that you can't get from pure glucose in order to stabilize emotions/help function
Pumpqueen Fall
236 bees
you're not saying anything I don't know
236 bees
unfortunately it is not that easy
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
hence my wanting to shake certain person/people in my life
Pumpqueen Fall
wanting to but not doing so because it doesn't help either
Pumpqueen Fall
so the best I can do is make them eat when I can :T