0. George再也沒有成功召喚過護法,因為所有快樂的回憶都與Fred有關。(George would never be able to conjure a patronus since all happy memories he had always involved Fred.) 1.(記得為了跨越年齡線變成老頭子的雙子嗎?)三巫鬥法大賽是他們唯一一次看見彼此變老的樣子。
7. "Wow, we're identical! " 雙胞胎終於能做出區別,因為George失去了一隻耳朵,Fred失去了性命。 8. Fred's eyes stared without seeing, the ghost of his last laugh still etched upon his face.
3. George的兒子取名為Fred。他是Fred Weasley II。
4. 他們曾說看著對方就像在照鏡子。那麼,Fred走後,每次照著鏡子的George,看見的究竟是自己還是他兄弟的影子?
6. 母親織給George的毛衣上再也沒有英文字母。
8. Fred's eyes stared without seeing, the ghost of his last laugh still etched upon his face.